@article{fdi:010037711, title = {{L}aboratory evaluation of pyriproxyfen and spinosad, alone and in combination, against {A}edes aegypti {L}arvae}, author = {{D}arriet, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {C}orbel, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study, the efficacy of pyriproxyfen and spinosad, alone and in combination, was evaluated against the dengue vector {A}edes aegypti ({L}.). {L}arval bioassays were carried out on susceptible mosquito larvae to determine the concentration-mortality responses of mosquitoes exposed to each insecticide alone and in mixture. {S}ynergism between pyriproxyfen and spinosad was determined by the calculation of a combination index ({CI}) by using the isobologram method. {F}or pyriproxyfen, {LC}50 and {LC}95 were 1.1 {X} 10(-4) (1.0 {X} 10(-4)-1.1 {X} 10(-4)) and 3.2 {X} 10(-4) (2.9 {X} 10(-4)-3.6 {X} 10(-4)) mg/liter, respectively. {P}yriproxyfen acted at very low concentrations by inhibiting the adult emergence of {A}e. aegypti (97% inhibition rates at 3.3 {X} 10(-4) mg/liter). {S}pinosad activity was -500 times lower than that of pyriproxyfen against the {B}ora strain, with {LC}50, and {LC}95 values estimated at 0.055 (0.047-0.064) and 0.20 (0.15-0.27) mg/liter, respectively. {A} binary mixture of pyriproxyfen and spinosad was realized at the ratio 1:500 by considering the values of the {LC}50 obtained for each product. {T}he {LC}50 and {LC}95 of the mixture were 0.019 (0.016-0.022) and 0.050 (0.040-0.065) mg/liter, respectively, {T}he mixture combined both the larvicidal activity of spinosad and the juvenoid action of pyriproxyfen. {F}rom the {LC}70 to {LC}99, a significant synergism effect was observed between the two insecticides ({CI} ranged from 0.74 to 0.31). {T}his strong synergism observed at high concentrations allows a reduction by five and nine-fold of pyriproxyfen and spinosad amounts to kill almost 100% mosquitoes. {C}ombination of pyriproxyfen and spinosad may then represent a promising strategy to improve mosquito control in situations with insecticide-resistant {A}edes dengue vectors.}, keywords = {pyriproxyfen ; spinosad ; mixture ; synergism ; {A}edes aegypti}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}edical {E}ntomology}, volume = {43}, numero = {6}, pages = {1190--1194}, ISSN = {0022-2585}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1603/0022-2585(2006)43[1190:{LEOPAS}]2.0.{CO};2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037711}, }