@article{fdi:010037660, title = {{L}ethal and behavioural effects of three synthetic repellents ({DEET}, {IR}3535 and {KBR} 3023) on {A}edes aegypti mosquitoes in laboratory assays}, author = {{L}icciardi, {S}{\'e}verine and {H}erv{\'e}, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {D}arriet, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {H}ougard, {J}ean-{M}arc and {C}orbel, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he knock-down, mortality and 'irritancy' effects of three synthetic repellents ({DEET}, {IR}3535 and {KBR} 3023) on {A}edes aegypti ({L}) ({D}iptera: {C}ulicidae) were evaluated in the laboratory in the absence of animal bait. {F}ilter paper tests were carried out to assess the knock-down effect ({KD}t(50) and {KD}t(95)) and mortality ({LC}50 and {LC}95) induced by each repellent. '{I}rritancy' tests were carried out to compare the flight response (time to first take-off, or {FT}) to increasing concentrations of repellents (2-7%) and at five distances from the treated surface (0-40 mm). {DEET} had an insecticidal effect ({KD}t(50) = 9.7 min at 7%; {CL}50 = 1165 mg/m(2)), whereas {IR}3535 and {KBR} 3023 did not. {R}elative to an untreated control, {IR}3535 was an irritant (relative irritancy or {RI} > 1) at doses of 5% and 7% ({RI} = 17.7 and 9.9, respectively), whereas {DEET} was an irritant at lower concentrations ({RI} = 12.3 at 2% {DEET}). {KBR} 3023 was the weakest irritant over the same range of concentrations ({RI}max = 3.6 at 6%). {DEET} was more of an irritant ({RI}20 = 9.4) than {IR}3535 ({RI}20 = 2.9) over a range of distances (0-20 mm), and {KBR} 3023 was not an irritant unless mosquitoes made contact with the treated surface. {A}ll three repellents had a significant effect on mosquitoes, but {DEET} exhibited a more complex mode of action than the others due to its insecticidal properties. {T}he repellents do not behave as a single class of compounds with a common mode of action, but most probably affect different physiological systems in insects. {T}he physiological and molecular mechanisms of repellents, especially {DEET}, should be investigated to ensure a better use of these molecules for skin applications and/or for treating, materials against mosquitoes.}, keywords = {{A}edes aegypti ; {DEET} ; {IR}3535 ; {KBR} 3023 ; irritancy ; knock down effect ; mortality ; repellent}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}edical and {V}eterinary {E}ntomology}, volume = {20}, numero = {3}, pages = {288--293}, ISSN = {0269-283{X}}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2915.2006.00630.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037660}, }