@article{fdi:010037636, title = {{P}aleo-environmental change in {A}mazonian and {A}frican rainforest during the {LGM}}, author = {{A}nhuf, {D}. and {L}edru, {M}arie-{P}ierre and {B}ehling, {H}. and {D}a {C}ruz, {F}.{W}. and {C}ordeiro, {R}.{C}. and {V}an der {H}ammen, {T}. and {K}armann, {I}. and {M}arengo, {J}.{A}. and {D}e {O}liveira, {P}.{E}. and {P}essenda, {L}. and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah and {A}lbuquerque, {A}.{L}. and {D}ias, {P}.{L}.{D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he paper provides new and comparative insight into the ecological history of the two largest continental tropical forest areas during the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum ({LGM}). {T}he tropical forest regions are of particular interest because they present a large source of heat and have been shown to have significant impact on the extra tropical atmospheric circulation. {T}hey are also the most intense land-based convective centers. {T}hus, especially from the tropics paleoecological information is needed as benchmarks for climate modeling. {T}he {A}frican data for {LGM} climates were published earlier including the reconstructed paleoprecipitation patterns deduced from {SST}s. {T}he tropical {S}outh {A}merican {LGM} data were interpreted from pollen, geochemical, and delta {O}-18 (stable oxygen isotope) data from {B}razil and selected surrounding areas. {T}he available terrestrial data are consistent with the {SST} derived precipitation data for the tropical forests in {B}razil and for {A}frica. {H}owever, the impact of {LGM} climate extremes was less severe in the {A}mazon than in the {C}ongo basin. {T}he {LGM} humid forest area (including evergreen and semi-deciduous forest types) in {A}frica was probably reduced by 84%. {I}n contrast, the {A}mazon humid forest area probably shrank to 54% of their present-day extension. {S}till, there are different interpretations with respect to the amount of reduction of the {A}mazon forest area during the {LGM}. {A}lthough direct information about {LGM} climates in {A}mazonia is still limited the more detailed map obtained in the present work, however, allows a more reliable characterization of the last glacial tropical environment than previously published for the {A}mazon region. (c) 2006 {E}lsevier {B}.{V}. {A}ll rights reserved.}, keywords = {{L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum ; climate history ; vegetation history ; rain forest ; {S}outh {A}merica ; {A}frica}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}alaeogeography {P}alaeoclimatology {P}alaeoecology}, volume = {239}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {510--527}, ISSN = {0031-0182}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.01.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037636}, }