@article{fdi:010036674, title = {{C}onversion of {T}rypanosoma cruzi {T}c52 released factor to a protein inducing apoptosis}, author = {{B}orges, {M}. and {C}ordeiro da {S}ilva, {A}. and {V}ergnes, {B}aptiste and {S}ereno, {D}enis and {O}uaissi, {A}li}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study {T}c52, a {T}rypanosoma cruzi released protein, which exerts an immunoregulatory activity, was converted to a molecular form with altered biological function. {I}ndeed, the genetic fusion of {T}c52 to a carrier protein, the {S}histosoma japonicum glutathione {S}-transferase ({T}c52-{S}j26), was shown to induce apoptosis in spleen cells from {BALB}/c or {CBA} mice and the human {T}-cell leukemic cell line ({CEM}). {C}ell death by apoptosis was evidenced by the following criteria: (1) increased binding of {A}nnexin {V} to r{T}c52-treated spleen cells; (2) the presence of an ordered cleavage of the {DNA} backbone; (3) double labeling showed increased number of {T} cells undergoing apoptosis upon incubation with r{T}c52; (4) the use of a {CEM} cell line and {TUNEL} assay allowed to show in situ {DNA} fragmentation. {S}urprisingly, intraperitoneal injections of r{T}c52 to {BALB}/c mice, which were then infected with {T} cruzi, resulted in increased parasiteamia levels and congruent to 2.5 times increase of macrophages number. {S}ince native {T}c52 could not trigger, apoptosis of {T} cells we could hypothesized that the fusion of {T}c52 with {S}j26 led to conformational changes resulting in apoptosis inducing properties of r{T}c52. {T}he possible in vivo physiopathological implications of these finding were discussed. (c) 2005 {E}lsevier {L}td. {A}ll rights reserved.}, keywords = {{T}rypanosoma cruzi ; recombinant {T}c52 protein ; {T} cell line ; apoptosis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}issue and {C}ell}, volume = {37}, numero = {6}, pages = {469--478}, ISSN = {0040-8166}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tice.2005.09.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010036674}, }