@article{fdi:010035720, title = {{I}ncidence of tick-borne relapsing fever in {W}est {A}frica : longitudinal study}, author = {{V}ial, {L}aurence and {D}iatta, {G}eorges and {T}all, {A}. and {B}a, {E}l {H}adj and {B}ouganali, {H}ilaire and {D}urand, {P}atrick and {S}okhna, {C}heikh and {R}ogier, {C}. and {R}enaud, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {T}rape, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {T}he ongoing drought in sub-{S}aharan countries has led to the colonisation. of west {A}frican {S}avanna by {O}rnithodoros sonrai; this tick acts as a vector for {B}orrelia crocidurae, which causes tick-borne relapsing fever ({TBRF}). {O}ur aim was to ascertain the incidence of {TBRF} in west {A}frica. {M}ethods {F}rom 1990 to 2003, we monitored the incidence of {TBRF} in {D}ielmo, {S}enegal, by daily clinical surveillance and by blood testing of individuals with a fever. {F}rom 2002 to 2005, we investigated the presence of 0 sonrai in 30 villages in {S}enegal, {M}auritania, and {M}ali, and measured by {PCR} the prevalence of {B} crocidurae. {F}indings {T}he average incidence of {TBRF} over 14 years was 11 per 100 person-years (range from 4 in 1990 to 25 in 1997). {A}ll age-groups presented a high incidence of the disease. {I}n addition to relapses, repeated infections in the same individuals were common, with some affected by up to six distinct infections during the study period. {E}pidemiological studies indicated that 26 of the 30 studied villages (87%) were colonised by the vector tick 0 sonrai and that the average {B} crocidurae infection rate of the vector was 31%. {I}nterpretation {T}he incidence of {TBRF} at the community level is the highest described in {A}frica for any bacterial disease. {T}he presence of the vector tick in most villages investigated and its high infection rate suggest that {TBRF} is a common cause of fever in most rural areas of {S}enegal, {M}auritania, and {M}ali.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ancet}, volume = {368}, numero = {9529}, pages = {37--43}, ISSN = {0140-6736}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1016/{S}0140-6736(06)68968-{X}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010035720}, }