@article{fdi:010035709, title = {{T}hree dimensional characteristics of young-of-year pelagic fish schools in lake}, author = {{G}uillard, {J}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice and {C}olon, {M}. and {G}uennegan, {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ish schools are aggregative structures encountered in all types of aquatic environments but have as yet been little studied in freshwaters except at small spatial scales. {T}his study represents the three dimensional description of juvenile fish schools ({P}erca fluviatilis and {R}utilus rutilus) in a lake environment using high resolution multibeam sonar system operating at a frequency of 455 k{H}z, composed of 60 beams of 1.5 degrees allowing a 90 degrees observation plane. {T}he in situ diurnal schooling behaviour of young-of-the-year fish of both species is confirmed. {T}he morphological, energetic and spatial variables of these schools are described and related to one another. {T}he structures described are of the same order of magnitude as those described in the marine environment. {T}he school shape is elliptical, they are shallow and they display a temporal and spatial stability over the {C}ourse of a day but a highly variable morphology. {T}he number of vacuoles, a descriptor of the internal morphology of the schools, was found to be significantly (p < 0.01) correlated with the volume of the school, and showed two distinct relationships, with proportions similar to the percentage occurrence of both species sampled by a pelagic trawl. {T}he relation may be efficient for fish species discrimination by 3-{D} acoustics methods in this lake with two main aggregative fish species.}, keywords = {shoaling behaviour ; 3 {D} structure ; sonar ; {P}erca fluviatilis ; {R}utilus rutilus ; {A}nnecy {L}ake}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {L}iving {R}esources}, volume = {19}, numero = {2}, pages = {115--122}, ISSN = {0990-7440}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1051/alr:2006011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010035709}, }