@article{fdi:010034990, title = {{I}nfluence du semis direct avec couverture v{\'e}g{\'e}tale sur la s{\'e}questration du carbone et l'{\'e}rosion au {B}r{\'e}sil}, author = {{B}ernoux, {M}artial and {C}erri, {C}.{C}. and {C}erri, {C}.{E}.{P}. and {S}iqueira {N}eto, {M}. and {M}etay, {A}. and {P}errin, {A}nne-{S}ophie and {S}copel, {E}. and {B}lavet, {D}idier and {P}iccolo, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{CONSERVATION} {DU} {SOL} ; {CARBONE} ; {STOCK} ; {LUTTE} {ANTIEROSIVE} ; {PRATIQUE} {CULTURALE} ; {SEMIS} ; {TRAVAIL} {DU} {SOL} ; {PLANTE} {DE} {COUVERTURE} ; {EVOLUTION} {DES} {SOLS} {SOUS} {CULTURE} ; {EROSION} {HYDRIQUE} ; {FERTILITE} {DU} {SOL} ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {{G}estion de la biomasse, {\'e}rosion et s{\'e}questration du carbone : 2. {S}{\'e}questration du carbone et {\'e}rosion des sols = {L}and use, erosion and carbon sequestration : 2. {S}oil erosion and carbon sequestration}, journal = {{B}ulletin du {R}{\'e}seau {E}rosion}, numero = {23}, pages = {323--337}, ISSN = {0}, year = {2004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010034990}, }