@inproceedings{fdi:010033930, title = {{H}a {N}{\^o}i : vân d{\^e} dân s{\^o} va di dân trong n{\^o}i thanh}, author = {{G}ubry, {P}atrick and {L}ortic, {B}ernard and {G}ren{\`e}che, {G}. and {L}{\^e} {V}an {T}hanh and {L}{\^e} {T}hi {H}uong and {T}rân {T}hi {T}hanh {T}huy and {N}guy{\^e}n {T}hi {T}hi{\^e}ng and {P}ham {T}huy {H}uong and {V}u {H}oang {N}gân and {N}guy{\^e}n {T}h{\^e} {C}hinh}, editor = {}, language = {{VIE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{AGGLOMERATION} {URBAINE} ; {POPULATION} {URBAINE} ; {TISSU} {URBAIN} ; {MIGRATION} {ALTERNANTE} ; {ZONE} {PERIURBAINE} ; {DENSITE} {DE} {POPULATION} ; {CARTE} {THEMATIQUE} ; {IMAGE} {SATELLITE} ; {SEXE} ; {GROUPE} {D}'{AGE} ; {RECENSEMENT} ; {IMMIGRATION} ; {DIVISION} {ADMINISTRATIVE} ; {DIFFERENCIATION} {SOCIALE} ; {LIBERALISME} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {MOBILITE} {SPATIALE} ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {HANOI}}, numero = {}, pages = {104--110}, booktitle = {{R}egards crois{\'e}s sur {H}anoi : transition, sp{\'e}cificit{\'e} urbaine et choix de d{\'e}veloppement : actes du s{\'e}minaire = {H}â {N}oi : thanh ph{\^o} dac thu va nhung lua chon cho phat tri{\^e}n : ky y{\^e}u h{\^o}i thao}, year = {2003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010033930}, }