@article{fdi:010025995, title = {{C}haracterization of a novel simian immunodeficiency virus from guereza colobus monkeys ({C}olobus guereza) in {C}ameroon : a new lineage in the nonhuman primate lentivirus family}, author = {{C}ourgnaud, {V}. and {P}ourrut, {X}avier and {B}ibollet-{R}uche, {F}. and {M}poudi {N}gol{\'e}, {E}. and {B}ourgeois, {A}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {P}eeters, {M}artine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}xploration of the diversity among primate lentiviruses is necessary to elucidate the origins and evolution of immunodeficiency viruses. {D}uring a serological survey in {C}ameroon, we screened 25 wild-born guereza colobus monkeys (#{C}olobus guereza$) and identified 7 with {HIV}/{SIV} cross-reactive antibodies. {I}n this study, we describe a novel lentivirus, named {SIV}col, prevalent in guereza colobus monkeys. {G}enetic analysis revealed that {SIV}col was very distinct from all other known {SIV}/{HIV} isolates, with average amino acid identities of 40% for {G}ag, 50% for {P}ol, 28% for {E}nv, and around 25% for proteins encoded by five other genes. {P}hylogenetic analyses confirmed that {SIV}col is genetically distinct from other previously characterized primate lentiviruses and clusters independently, forming a novel lineage, the sixth in the current classification. #{C}ercopithecinae$ monkeys ({O}ld {W}orld monkeys) are subdivided into two subfamilies, the #{C}olobinae$ and the #{C}ercopithecinae$, and, so far, all #{C}ercopithecidae$ monkeys from which lentiviruses have been isolated belong to the #{C}ercopithecinae$ subfamily. {T}herefore, {SIV}col from guereza colobus monkeys (#{C}. guereza$) is the first primate lentivirus identified in the #{C}olobinae$ subfamily and the divergence of {SIV}col may reflect divergence of the host lineage. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SIDA} ; {VIRUS} ; {SINGE} ; {PHYLOGENIE} ; {ANALYSE} {GENETIQUE} ; {TECHNIQUE} {PCR} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {SIV} ; {BIOTAXONOMIE} ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}irology}, volume = {75}, numero = {2}, pages = {857--866}, ISSN = {0022-538{X}}, year = {2001}, DOI = {10.1128/{JVI}.75.2.857-866.2001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010025995}, }