@article{fdi:010025197, title = {{P}atterns of resistance mutations to antiretroviral drugs in extensively treated {HIV}-1-infected patients with failure of highly active antiretroviral therapy}, author = {{R}ousseau, {M}.{N}. and {V}ergne, {L}aurence and {M}ontes, {B}. and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {R}eynes, {J}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {S}egondy, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}esistance-mutation patterns in the reverse transcriptase ({RT}) and protease genes of {HIV}-1 were analyzed in 22 patients who had been extensively pretreated and who failed to respond to highly active antiretroviral therapy ({HAART}). {T}he number of mutations ranged from 8 to 19 (median, 13) : 4 to 12 (median, 6) mutations in the {RT} gene, and 4 to 8 (median, 7) mutations in the protease gene. {I}n the {RT} gene, the most frequent resistance mutations were found at codons 215 (100%), 41 (95%), 67 (91%), and 210 (77%), 46 (50%), 36 (45%), and 84 (45%). {G}enotypic resistance to zidovudine, saquinavir, and indinavir was found in 100% of the patients. {A}ll patients showed also resistance or possible resistance to stavudine, abacavir, ritonavir, and nelfinavir. {M}utations conferring genotypic resistance to nonnucleoside analogue {RT} inhibitors ({NNRTI}s) were found in 12 (80%) of the {NNRTI}-experienced patients and 1 of 7 {NNRTI}-naive patients. {O}ur results from the multiplicity of {RT} and protease mutations that confer genotypic resistance to almost all available antiretroviral drugs. {I}n these patients, genotypic resistance tests confirm the lack of alternative salvage therapy strategies based on the currently available antiretroviral drugs. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SIDA} ; {MEDICAMENT} ; {RESISTANCE} ; {MUTATION} ; {METHODE} {D}'{ANALYSE} ; {TECHNIQUE} {PCR} ; {ENZYME} ; {GENE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {TRANSCRIPTASE} {REVERSE} ; {PROTEASE} ; {ZDV} ; {SAQUINAVIR} ; {INDINAVIR} ; {D}4{T} ; {ABACAVIR} ; {RITONAVIR} ; {NELFINAVIR} ; {AMPRENAVIR} ; {DDI} ; {DDC} ; 3{TC} ; {ABT}-378}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}cquired {I}mmune {D}eficiency {S}yndromes}, volume = {26}, numero = {1}, pages = {36--43}, ISSN = {1525-4135}, year = {2001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010025197}, }