@inproceedings{fdi:010024649, title = {{F}lood management and flood prone rice systems in the {C}hao {P}hraya delta}, author = {{C}hompadit, {C}. and {M}olle, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}urongdet, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{THA}}, abstract = {{A} total of 300,000 ha in the {C}hao {P}hraya delta are still cropped with deepwater and floating rice varieties. {T}he paper describes the specific patterns of water management required by such systems and provides information on current varieties and cropping techniques used. {A} water balance of the delta in the wet season is achieved, in order to discuss the role of the flood prone area in flood mitigation. {I}t is shown how collected data can be used to monitor how much data is stored and where there is still buffering capacity. {L}ast, the paper shows different possible paths of evolution of these areas in order to intensify production and farmers' incomes. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{IRRIGATION} ; {RIZICULTURE} ; {PRATIQUE} {CULTURALE} ; {AMENAGEMENT} {HYDROAGRICOLE} ; {PRODUCTION} {AGRICOLE} ; {REGIME} {HYDROLOGIQUE} ; {RIZ} {FLOTTANT} ; {MILIEU} {DELTAIQUE} ; {THAILANDE} ; {CHAO} {PHRAYA} {DELTA}}, numero = {}, pages = {335--360}, booktitle = {{T}he {C}hao {P}hraya delta : historical development, dynamics and challenges of {T}hailand's rice bowl}, year = {2000}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010024649}, }