@article{fdi:010024078, title = {{P}ersistence of {A}nopheles arabiensis during the severe dry season conditions in {S}enegal : an indirect approach using microsatellite loci}, author = {{S}imard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {L}ehmann, {T}. and {L}emasson, {J}ean-{J}acques and {D}iatta, {M}athurin and {F}ontenille, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}ariation at nine microsatellite loci was investigated to understand how #{A}nopheles arabiensis$ populations survive the dry season in the sahelian region of {S}enegal. {L}ow estimates of genetic differentiation ({FST} equal to 0.012, {RST} equal to 0.009) between two populations, 250km apart, suggested extensive gene flow across this distance. {D}espite extreme seasonal fluctuation in abundance with dry season minima in which mosquitoes virtually disappeared, allele frequencies remained stable over time in the village of {B}arkedji from {A}ugust 1994 to {D}ecember 1997 (including four rainy seasons and three dry seasons). {T}he effective population size ({N}e) was estimated to be 601 with 95% {CI} (281,1592), providing strong evidence against annual bottlenecks. {D}ifferences in measures of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium between the dry and the rainy seasons were not detected. {T}hese results suggest that despite extreme minima in local density, #{A}n. arabiensis$ maintains large permanent deme spread out over large area. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {MOUSTIQUE} ; {VECTEUR} ; {SAISON} {SECHE} ; {GENOTYPE} ; {VARIABILITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {POLYMORPHISME} {GENETIQUE} ; {DYNAMIQUE} {DE} {POPULATION} ; {ETUDE} {REGIONALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {MICROSATELLITE} {POLYMORPHIQUE} ; {SENEGAL} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE} ; {ZONE} {SOUDANIENNE} ; {BARKEDJI} ; {DIELMO}}, booktitle = {{P}opulation genetics of #{A}n. arabiensis$ in {S}enegal}, journal = {{I}nsect {M}olecular {B}iology}, volume = {9}, numero = {5}, pages = {467--479}, ISSN = {0962-1075}, year = {2000}, DOI = {10.1046/j.1365-2583.2000.00210.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010024078}, }