@article{fdi:010024050, title = {{P}redominance of subtype {A} and {G} {HIV} type 1 in {N}igeria, with geographical differences in their distribution}, author = {{P}eeters, {M}artine and {E}su-{W}illiams, {E}. and {V}ergne, {L}aurence and {M}ontavon, {C}{\'e}line and {M}ulanga {K}abeya, {C}laire and {H}arry, {T}. and {I}bironke, {A}. and {L}esage, {D}. and {P}atrel, {D}elphine and {D}elaporte, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he purpose of this study was to generate data on the relative prevalences of the {HIV}-1 subtypes circulating in {N}igeria. {A} total of 252 {HIV}-1 positive samples collected during an epidemiologic survey conducted in {A}pril 1996 were genetically characterized by {HMA} (heteroduplex mobility assay) and/or sequencing. {S}amples were collected in {L}agos, {C}alabar, {K}ano, and {M}aiduguri. {O}verall, the predominant env subtypes were {A} (61.3%) and {G} (37.5%). {S}ubtype {A} is more prevalent in the south (p is less than 0.001), about 70% in {L}agos and {C}alabar, whereas a quarter of the samples was classified as subtype {G} in these states. {I}n contrast, subtype {G} is predominant in the north (p is less than 0.001), representing 58% of the samples in {K}ano. {I}n the northeastern region, {M}aiduguri, almost similar proportions of subtype {A} and {G} were seen, 49 and 47.4%, respectively. {A} total of 37 samples was also sequenced in the p24 region from the gag gene ; 13 (35%) had discordant subtype designations between env and gag. {T}he majority of the gag (12 of 17) and env (14 of 22) subtype {A} sequences clustered with the {A}/{G}-{IBNG} strain. {W}hithin subtype {G}, three different subclusters were seen among the envelope sequences. {T}hese different subclusters are observed among samples obtained from asymptomatic individuals and {AIDS} patients from the four {N}igerian states studied. {I}n conclusion, we observed a limited number of {HIV}-1 subtypes circulating in {N}igeria, with subtypes {A} and {G} being the major env subtypes responsible for the {HIV}-1 epidemic. {N}evertheless, the high rate of recombinant viruses ({A}/{G}) and the different {A}/{G} recombinant structures indicate a complex pattern of {HIV}-1 viruses circulating in this country. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SIDA} ; {VIRUS} ; {PREVALENCE} ; {ANALYSE} {GENETIQUE} ; {DIVERSITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {IDENTIFICATION} ; {TECHNIQUE} {PCR} ; {REPARTITION} {GEOGRAPHIQUE} ; {NIGERIA} ; {KANO} ; {LAGOS} ; {CALABAR} ; {MAIDUGURI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{AIDS} {R}esearch and {H}uman {R}etroviruses}, volume = {16}, numero = {4}, pages = {315--325}, ISSN = {0889-2229}, year = {2000}, DOI = {10.1089/088922200309197}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010024050}, }