@article{fdi:010022252, title = {{G}ametocytemia and infectivity to mosquitoes of patients with uncomplicated {P}lasmodium falciparum malaria attacks treated with chloroquine or sulfadoxine plus pyrimethamine}, author = {{R}obert, {V}incent and {A}wono-{A}mbene, {H}.{P}. and {L}e {H}esran, {J}ean-{Y}ves and {T}rape, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {#{P}lasmodium falciparum$ gametocytemia and its relative infectivity for mosquitoes was studied in 115 patients (median age = 18 years, range = 4-45) with simple malaria attacks who lived in the hypoendemic area of {D}akar, {S}enegal. {P}atients were included in a 28-day in vivo sensitivity test after treatment with chloroquine ({CQ}, n = 82) or sulfadoxine plus pyrimethamine ({SP}, n = 33). {T}he prevalence of resistant infections was 58.5% in those treated with {CQ} and 0% in those treated with {SP}. {T}he gametocytemia peaked at day 7 after treatment. {T}he maximal gametocyte prevalence was 38.2% in the {CQ}-sensitive infection group, 89.6% in the {CQ}-resistant group, and 97.0% in those treated with {SP}. {T}he maximal geometric mean gametocytemia was 2.19/microliter in the {CQ}-sensitive infection group, 29.12/microliter in the {CQ}-resistant group and 85.55/microliter in those treated with {SP}. {T}he period between appearence of the first clinical symptom and treatment was positively related to gametocyte prevalence at days 0 and 2. {E}xperimental infection of wild #{A}nopheles arabiensis$ using membrane feeders was performed at days 0 and 7, and mosquito infectivity was measured by oocyst detection on the midgut. {A}t day 0, 14.1% of the patients had infected at least 1 mosquito, and at day 7, this value was 38.5%. {T}he mean percentage of infected mosquitoes was 3.2% at day 0 and 12.6% at day 7. {A}t day 7 after treatment with {CQ}, the relative risk for patients with resistant infections of infecting anophelines was 4.07 higher than in those with sensitive infections. {N}o difference was observed in infectivity for mosquitoes between {RI}-type resistance and the {RII} + {RIII}-type resistance. {A} sporonticidal effect of {SP} was observed at day 7 after treatment... ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} de l'auteur)}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {AGENT} {PATHOGENE} ; {TRAITEMENT} {MEDICAL} ; {SENSIBILITE} {RESISTANCE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {TRANSMISSION} {HOMME}/{VECTEUR} ; {INFESTATION} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {CHLOROQUINE} ; {SULFADOXINE} ; {PYRIMETHAMINE} ; {GAMETOCYTE} ; {SENEGAL} ; {DAKAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}merican {J}ournal of {T}ropical {M}edicine and {H}ygiene}, volume = {62}, numero = {2}, pages = {210--216}, ISSN = {0002-9637}, year = {2000}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010022252}, }