@article{fdi:010021180, title = {{S}alicylic acid mediated by the oxidative burst is a key molecule in local and systemic responses of cotton challenged by an avirulent race of {X}anthomonas campestris pv malvacearum}, author = {{M}artinez, {C}ristelle and {B}accou, {J}.{C}. and {B}resson, {E}stelle and {B}aissac, {Y}. and {D}aniel, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {J}alloul, {A}. and {M}ontillet, {J}.{L}. and {G}eiger, {J}ean-{P}aul and {A}ssigbets{\'e}, {K}omi and {N}icole, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e analyzed the production of reactive oxygen species, the accumulation of salicylic acid ({SA}), and peroxidase activity during the incompatible interaction between cotyledons of the cotton (#{G}ossypium hirsutum$) cv {R}eba {B}50/#{X}anthomonas campestris$ pv #malvacearum$ ({X}cm) race 18. {SA} was detected in petioles of cotyledons 6 h after infection and 24 h post inoculation in cotyledons and untreated leaves. {T}he first peak of {SA} occurred 3 h after generation of superoxyde ({O}2-), and was inhibited by infiltration of catalase. {P}eroxidase activity and accumulation of {SA} increased in petioles of cotyledons and leaves following {H}2{O}2 infiltration of cotyledons from 0.85 to 1m{M}. {I}nfiltration of 2 m{M} {SA} increased peroxidase activity in treated cotyledons and in the first leaves, but most of the infiltrated {SA} was rapidly conjugated within the cotyledons. {W}hen increasing concentrations of {SA} were infiltrated 2.5 h post inoculation at the beginning of the oxidative burst, the activity of the apoplastic cationic {O}2(sup .-)-generating peroxidase decreased in a dose-dependent manner. {W}e have shown that during the cotton hypersensitive response to {X}cm, {H}2{O}2 is required for local and systemic accumulation of {SA}, which may locally control the generation of {O}2(sup . -). {D}etaching cotyledons at intervals after inoculation demonstrated that the signal leading to systemic accumulation of {SA} was emitted around 3 h post inoculation, and was associated with the oxidative burst. {SA} produced 6 h post infection at {HR} sites was not the primary mobile signal diffusing systemically from infected cotyledons. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{MALADIE} {DES} {PLANTES} ; {COTON} ; {INFECTION} ; {MECANISME} {DE} {RESISTANCE} ; {COTYLEDON} ; {OXYGENE} ; {BACTERIE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ACIDE} {SALICYLIQUE} ; {PEROXIDASE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {P}hysiology}, volume = {122}, numero = {3}, pages = {757--766}, year = {2000}, DOI = {10.1104/pp.122.3.757}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010021180}, }