@inproceedings{fdi:010020936, title = {{O}verview on the application of anaerobic digestion to the treatment of chemical and petrochemical wastewaters}, author = {{M}acarie, {H}erv{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}oday, with at least 848 reactors constructed in the world, anaerobic digestion is considered to have reached technical maturity. {U}ntil now however, it has been used quite exclusively for the treatment of food industry effluents. {I}t is only during the last 10 years that anaerobic digestion has started to be applied massively to the treatment of sewage and effluents from other industrial activities. {D}uring the 70's and 80's, the chemical and petrochemical industries were almost refractory to the introduction of anaerobic digestion. {T}he situation has reversed since 1990 and at least 63 full scale anaerobic plants are nowadays treating this type of waste in the world. {N}evertheless, a great amount of promotion is still required before anaerobic digestion can be considered as an accepted technology by this industry. {T}he paper presents the actual situation of anerobic treatment at full scale in this industrial sector as well as recent development at lab scale and discuss some important concepts to consider before the implementation of an anaerobic treatment. {P}articularly a table is given with main characteristics of the 63 full scale plants identified to date. {T}he probable digestion has been the solution to treatment problems for which aerobic systems were inefficient. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{EAU} {USEE} ; {BIODEGRADATION} ; {DIGESTION} ; {FERMENTATION} ; {ANAEROBIOSE} ; {INDUSTRIE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {DIGESTION} {ANAEROBIE} ; {INDUSTRIE} {PETROCHIMIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {405--412}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings waste minimisation and end of pipe treatment in chemical and petrochemical industries}, year = {1999}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010020936}, }