@article{fdi:010019670, title = {{O}n the circulation in the upper layer of the {W}estern equatorial {A}tlantic}, author = {{B}ourl{\`e}s, {B}ernard and {G}ouriou, {Y}ves and {C}huchla, {R}{\'e}my}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}ydrographic observations of pressure, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and shipboard acoustic {D}oppler current profiler measurements are used to study the upper circulation in the {W}estern equatorial {A}tlantic {O}cean, limited to the region bounded by the 10°{S} and 14°{N} latitudes between the longitudes 30°{W} and 52°{W}. {D}ata were obtained during four {W}orld {O}cean {C}irculation {E}xperiment cruises, carried out in {J}anuary-{M}arch 1993, {J}anuary-{M}arch 1994, {S}eptember-{O}ctober 1995 and {A}pril-{M}ay 1996. {I}n the upper layer, the continuity of the northwestward flowing {N}orth {B}razil {C}urrent along the {A}merican continent toward the {C}aribbean {S}ea is confirmed in boreal spring. {F}urthermore, part of the {N}orth {B}razil {C}urrent also continues northwestward in the subthermocline layer during short periods in boreal spring, contrary to previous estimates. {T}he {N}orth {E}quatorial {C}ountercurrent ({NECC}) is present in boreal spring west of 40°{W} fed, with water of {N}orthern {H}emisphere origin only. {T}he southeastward flowing current observed at 3°{N}-44°{W} is fed by the {N}orth {B}razil {C}urrent retroflection and by a cyclonic recirculation of the southern edge of the {N}orth {E}quatorial {C}urrent. {T}he upper layer of this current at 3°{N}-44°{W}, feeds the {E}quatorial {U}ndercurrent ({EUC}) and the {NECC}, when its subthermocline layer feeds the {EUC} and the {N}orth {E}quatorial {U}ndercurrent. {N}ear-surface eastward flow is present above the {EUC} during all cruises, yielding to a strong increase of the eastward warm water transport. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{CIRCULATION} {OCEANIQUE} ; {COURANT} {SUPERFICIEL} ; {CAMPAGNE} {OCEANOGRAPHIQUE} ; {CIRCULATION} {THERMOHALINE} ; {MASSE} {D}'{EAU} ; {VITESSE} ; {TEMPERATURE} {DE} {SURFACE} ; {SEL} ; {TRANSPORT} ; {MESURE} {IN} {SITU} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {EQUATORIAL} {OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, volume = {104}, numero = {{C}9}, pages = {21,151--21,170}, ISSN = {0148-0227}, year = {1999}, DOI = {10.1029/1999{JC}900058}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010019670}, }