@incollection{fdi:010018364, title = {{A} recent outbreak of yellow fever in south of {M}aranhao state, {B}razil : epidemiological, clinical and entomological findings}, author = {{V}asconcelos, {P}.{F}.{C}. and {R}odrigues, {S}.{G}. and {D}{\'e}gallier, {N}icolas and {T}ravassos da {R}osa, {J}.{F}.{S}. and {T}ravassos da {R}osa, {E}.{S}. and {M}ondet, {B}ernard and {T}ravassos da {R}osa, {A}.{P}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n outbreak of {Y}ellow fever virus ({YF}) occurred in {M}aranhao {S}tate in 1993 ({B}arra do {C}orda, {E}sperantinopolis and {M}irador) and 1994 ({P}astos {B}ons), where several cases were reported. {I}n 1993 a total of 932 people were examined for {YF} distributed as follows : 32 from {B}arra do {C}orda, 26 from {E}sperantinopolis and 874 from {M}irador. {F}rom these, 70 cases were {YF} confirmed serologically ({I}g{M} capture {MAC} {ELISA}), histophathologically and/or by virus isolation. {A}nother 4 cases diagnosed clinically and epidemiologically, brought the total to 74 ({B}arra do {C}orda : 5, {E}sperantinopolis : 7, and {M}irador : 62). {T}he age of the patients ranged from 2 to 71 years old (mean : 24) : 32 (43.2%) were female and 42 (56.8%) male and the total lethality-rate was 17.5% (13/74). {I}n {M}irador (17,565 inhabitants), where an intensive survey was carried out, the incidence was 3.5 per 1,000 people, but in the rural {YF} risk area (14,659 inhabitants) the incidence was 4.2, and the mortality 16.1% (10/62). {A} total of 45.2% (28/62) asymptomatic infections were registered. {I}n 1994, a total of 49 serum samples were obtained from {P}astos {B}ons. {O}f these, 16 cases, 8 females and 8 males, were {YF} confirmed as follows : 2 by virus isolation, 2 by seroconversion and 12 by serology. {O}n the other hand, no fatal cases were reported in {P}astos {B}ons. {I}n 1993, 936 potential {YF} vectors were captured in {M}irador and a single strain was isolated from a pool of #{H}aemagogus janthinomys$ (infection rate ({IR}) : 0.16%). {I}n 1994, 16 strains were isolated from 1,318 #{H}g. janthinomys$ ({IR} : 1.34%) and one #{S}abethes chloropterus$ ({IR} : 1.67%). {O}ur results suggest that this was the most extensive outbreak of {YF} in the last 20 years in {B}razil. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{FIEVRE} {JAUNE} ; {EPIDEMIOLOGIE} ; {ENTOMOLOGIE} {MEDICALE} ; {MOUSTIQUE} ; {VECTEUR} ; {ETUDE} {REGIONALE} ; {BRESIL} ; {MARANHAO} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {BARRA} {DO} {CORDA} ; {ESPERANTINOPOLIS} ; {MIRADOR}}, booktitle = {{A}n overview of arbovirology in {B}razil and neighbouring countries}, numero = {}, pages = {177--184}, address = {{B}elem}, publisher = {{I}nstituto {E}vandro {C}hagas}, series = {}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010018364}, }