@article{fdi:010018354, title = {{C}oleoptera {H}isteridae {H}etaeriinae : description de nouveaux taxons, d{\'e}signation de lectotypes et notes taxonomiques}, author = {{D}{\'e}gallier, {N}icolas}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{N}ew data are given for the beetle family #{H}isteridae$, subfamily #{H}etaeriinae$. {T}wo collecting methods were fairly productive ; a flight interception trap and the flooding of whole antnests. {A} new cleaning technique was successfully tested for the preparation of genital structures ; these are prepared in a basic solution of {G}enitase proteolytic enzyme. {T}he female genitalia of 12 species of #{H}etaeriinae$ are described for the first time. {N}ew descriptive, distributional and/or ecological data are provided for 35 species, based on type-specimens, when possible. {T}he following taxa are described as new : #{A}ristomorphus borgmeieri$, #{A}. latipes$, #{A}. ogloblini$, #{A}. perversus$, #{A}ristonister sericeus$, #{H}emicolonides parvulus$ ; #{L}atronister breyeri$. {T}he following new synonymy is proposed : #{O}udaimosister$ {H}elava in {H}elava et al. 1985 = #{M}esynodites$ {R}eichardt, 1924. {L}ectotype and where the case paralectotypes, are designated for the following species : #{A}ristomorphus borgmeieri$, #{A}ristonister sericeus$, #{C}heilister sphaeroides$, #{C}lientister henrici$, #{C}olonides quadriglumis$, #{C}ossyphodister schwarzmaieri$, {E}cclisister bickhardti$, #{E}uxenister caroli$, #{H}emicolonides parvulus$, #{P}arasynodites suturacava$, #{P}elatetister pretiosus$, #{T}eratosoma amphiphilus$, #{T}roglosternus dasypus$. {T}he genus #{H}etaeriarchus$ {R}eichensperger is considered as a nomen nudum. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{INSECTE} ; {TAXONOMIE} ; {MORPHOLOGIE} ; {APPAREIL} {REPRODUCTEUR} ; {SPECIMEN} {TYPE} ; {GENRE} {NOUVEAU} ; {ESPECE} {NOUVELLE} ; {CLE} {DE} {DETERMINATION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}onner {Z}oologische {B}eiträge}, volume = {47}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {345--379}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010018354}, }