@article{fdi:010018170, title = {{V}3 serotyping of {HIV}-1 infection : correlation with genotyping and limitations}, author = {{P}lantier, {J}.{C}. and {D}amond, {F}. and {L}asky, {M}ariama and {S}ankal{\'e}, {J}.{L}. and {A}petrei, {C}. and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {B}uzelay, {L}. and {M}'{B}oup, {S}. and {K}anki, {P}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {S}imon, {F}. and {B}arin, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{HIV}-1 {V}3 serotyping is a classification of immunodeficiency viruses based on antibody binding to {V}3 peptides that allows obtaining information on circulating subtypes that could be important for population-based epidemiologic studies. {R}ecently, several laboratories have developed {V}3 enzyme-immunoassays ({EIA}s) using {V}3 peptides of subtypes {A} to {E}. {I}n the present study, the utility of including additional peptides of subtypes {F} to {H} to the {EIA} was evaluated on a panel of 203 well-characterized serum samples from patents with diverse geographic origins (22 countires) and known {HIV}-1 genotype (79 {A}, 61 {B}, 21 {C}, 7 {D}, 7 {E}, 21 {F}, 6 {G}, 1 {H}). {T}he results indicate a high predictive value (ppv) for serotypes {B} (greater than or equal to 0.86), {D} (1) and {E} (0.88), and confirm the difficulty of predicting genotype {A} or {C} based on serotype {A} or {C}. {R}esults also indicate that inclusion of the {F} peptide in the {V}3 {EIA}s may be useful (ppv = 0.61), but introduction of peptides {G} and {H} failed to demonstrate significant sensitivity or specificity for these subtypes. {C}orrelation between serotyping and amino-acid sequences of the {V}3 region from 103 samples allowed the identification of key amino-acids that appear essential for subtype-specific seroreactivity. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SIDA} ; {VIRUS} ; {TYPOLOGIE} ; {ANTICORPS} ; {CLASSIFICATION} ; {SEROLOGIE} ; {TEST} ; {IMMUNOLOGIE} ; {GENOTYPE} ; {SEROTYPAGE} ; {PEPTIDE} {V}3}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}cquired {I}mmune {D}eficiency {S}yndromes and {H}uman {R}etrovirology}, volume = {20}, numero = {5}, pages = {432--441}, ISSN = {1077-9450}, year = {1999}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010018170}, }