@article{fdi:010018100, title = {{S}tatus of pyrethroid resistance in {A}nopheles gambiae sensu latu}, author = {{C}handre, {F}abrice and {D}arrier, {F}. and {M}anga, {L}. and {A}kogbeto, {M}. and {F}aye, {O}. and {M}ouchet, {J}ean and {G}uillet, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present study confirms the presence of pyrethroid resistance among #{A}nopheles gambiae$ s.l. mosquitoes in {C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire and reports the observation of such resistance in two other countries in {W}est {A}frica ({B}enin and {B}urkina {F}aso). {M}alaria vector populations from {C}ameroon ({C}entral {A}frica), {S}enegal ({W}est {A}frica) and {B}otswana ({S}outhern {A}frica) were found to be susceptible to pyrethroids. {I}n the most resistant mosquito populations, resistance to permethrin was associated with reduced mortality, not only with respect to this compound but also towards deltamethrin. {M}oreover, a significant increase in knockdown time was observed in some mosquito populations before any decrease in mortality, suggesting that knockdown time could be a good indicator for the early detection of pyrethroid resistance. {I}n view of the current extension of such resistance, there is an urgent need to set up a network in {A}frica to evaluate its development. {I}t is also vital that the impact of this resistance on pyrethroid-impregnated bednets be assessed. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {MOUSTIQUE} ; {VECTEUR} ; {INSECTICIDE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {SENSIBILITE} {RESISTANCE} ; {TEST} ; {SELECTION} ; {GENE} ; {PYRETHRINOIDE} ; {PERMETHRINE} ; {DELTAMETHRINE} ; {DDT} ; {GENE} {KDR} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {BENIN} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {SENEGAL} ; {BOTSWANA} ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin de l'{O}rganisation {M}ondiale de la {S}ant{\'e}}, volume = {77}, numero = {3}, pages = {230--234}, ISSN = {0043-9686}, year = {1999}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010018100}, }