@article{fdi:010017880, title = {{T}he acetylcholinesterase gene {ACE} : a diagnostic marker for the pipiens and quinquefasciatus forms of the {C}ulex pipiens complex}, author = {{B}ourguet, {D}. and {F}onseca, {D}. and {V}ourch, {G}. and {D}ubois, {M}.{P}. and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {S}everini, {C}. and {R}aymond, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he taxonomy of the #{C}ulex pipiens$ complex remains a controversial issue in mosquito systematics. {B}ased on morphologic characters, 2 allopatric taxa are recognized, namely #{C}x. pipiens$ (including the form "#molestus$") in temperate areas and #{C}x. quinquefasciatus$ in tropical areas. {H}ere we report on variability at nucleotide level of an acetylcholinesterase gene in several strains and natural populations of this species complex. {F}ew polymorphisms were found in coding regions within a subspecies but many polymorphisms were observed between subspecies in noncoding regions. {W}e describe a method based on a restriction enzyme polymorphism in polmerase chain reaction-amplified {DNA}, in which the presence or absence of one restriction site discriminates #{C}x. pipiens$, #{C}x. quinquefasciatus$, and their hybrids. {T}his technique reliably discriminates mosquitoes from more than 30 worldwide strains or populations. {P}olymerase chain reaction amplification of specific alleles may also be a useful tool for characterizing specific alleles of each sibling taxon. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{MOUSTIQUE} ; {VECTEUR} ; {TAXONOMIE} ; {ESPECE} ; {HYBRIDE} ; {VARIABILITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {POLYMORPHISME} {ENZYMATIQUE} ; {TECHNIQUE} {RFLP} ; {TECHNIQUE} {PCR} ; {MARQUEUR} {GENETIQUE} ; {GENE}.{ACE} ; {GENE} {DE} {L}'{ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of the {A}merican {M}osquito {C}ontrol {A}ssociation}, volume = {14}, numero = {4}, pages = {390--396}, ISSN = {8756-971{X}}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010017880}, }