@article{fdi:010016148, title = {{A}n isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 originally classified as subtype {I} represents a complex mosaic comprising three different group {M} subtypes ({A}, {G} and {I})}, author = {{G}ao, {F}. and {R}obertson, {D}.{L}. and {C}arruthers, {C}.{D}. and {L}i, {Y}. and {B}ailes, {E}. and {K}ostrikis, {L}.{G}. and {S}alminen, {M}.{O}. and {B}ibollet-{R}uche, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {H}o, {D}.{D}. and {S}haw, {G}.{M}. and {S}harp, {P}.{M}. and {H}ahn, {B}.{H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ull-length reference clones and sequences are currently available for eight human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ({HIV}-1) group {M} subtypes ({A} through {H}), but none have been reported for subtypes {I} and {J}, which have only been identified in a few individuals. {P}hylogenetic information for subtype {I}, in particular, is limited since only about 400 bp of env gene sequences have been determined for just two epidemiologically linked viruses infecting a couple who were heterosexual intravenous drug users from {C}yprus. {T}o characterize subtype {I} in greater detail, we employed long-range {PCR} to clone a full-length provirus (94{CY}032.3) from an isolate obtained from one of the individuals originally reported to be infected with this subtype. {P}hylogenetic analysis of {C}2-{V}3 env gene sequences confirmed that 94{CY}032.3 was closely related to sequences previously classified as subtype {I}. {H}owever, analysis of the remainder of its genome revealed various regions in which 94{CY}032.3 was significantly clustered with either subtype {A} or subtype {G}. {O}nly sequences located in vpr and nef, as well as the middle portions of pol and env, formed independent lineages roughly equidistant from all other known subtypes. {S}ince these latter regions most likely have a common origin, we classify them all as subtype {I}. {T}hese results thus indicate that the originally reported prototypic subtype {I} isolate 94{CY}032 represents a triple recombinant ({A}/{G}/{I}) with at least 11 points of recombination crossover. {W}e also screened {HIV}-1 recombinants with regions of uncertain subtype assignment for the presence of subtype {I} sequences. {T}his analysis revealed that two of the earliest mosaics from {A}frica, {Z}321{B} ({A}/{G}/?) and {MAL} ({A}/{D}/?), contain short segments of sequence which clustered closely with the subtype {I} domains of 94{CY}032.3. {S}ince {Z}321 was isolated in 1976, subtype {I} as well as subtypes {A} and {G} must have existed in {C}entral {A}frica prior to that date... ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SIDA} ; {VIRUS} ; {VARIABILITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {PHYLOGENIE} ; {GENOME} ; {VIH}-1 {SOUS}-{TYPE} {I} ; {CHYPRE} ; {GRECE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}irology}, volume = {72}, numero = {12}, pages = {10234--10241}, ISSN = {0022-538{X}}, year = {1998}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010016148}, }