@article{fdi:010015983, title = {{O}rigin and prevention of airport malaria in {F}rance}, author = {{G}uillet, {P}ierre and {G}ermain, {M}.{C}. and {G}iacomini, {T}. and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {A}kogbeto, {M}. and {F}aye, {O}. and {K}on{\'e}, {A}. and {M}anga, {L}. and {M}ouchet, {J}ean}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince 1969, 63 cases of airport malaria have been reported in {W}estern {E}urope, 24 of which occurred in {F}rance. {M}ost were due to #{P}lasmodium falciparum$. {I}n 1994, 7 cases occurred in and around {R}oissy {C}harles de {G}aulle airport ({CDG}), showing 4 types of contamination : among employees working on airstrips or opening containers, among residents living near the airport, among people living at some distance from the airport after a secondary transport of vectors, and by vectors transported in luggage. {I}n-flight or stop-over infection is not considered as airport malaria. {T}he infective anophelines originated from airports where malaria transmission occurs, mostly in subsaharan {A}frica. {A} tentative list is given taking into account aerial traffic with {F}rance. {S}urveys in the airports of {D}akar ({S}enegal), {C}otonou ({B}enin), {A}bidjan ({C}ote d'{I}voire) and {Y}aound{\'e} ({C}ameroun) found potential vectors in all of these from {J}uly to {S}eptember. {A}fter 1994, the {C}ontr{\^o}le {S}anitaire aux {F}ronti{\`e}res ({CSF}) in charge at {CDG} concentrated its efforts on the flights at risk, as well as information and sensitization of airline companies, which resulted in 73% and 87% of the flights at risk being properly disinsected in 1995 and 1996. {D}espite pyrethroid resistance in #{A}nopheles gambiae$ s.s. in {W}est {A}frica, the efficacy of aircraft spraying with permethrin aerosols is still acceptable. {H}owever, surveillance of resistance should be improved and search for nonpyrethroid insecticides suitable for aircraft strongly encouraged. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {TRANSMISSION} ; {AEROPORT} ; {VECTEUR} ; {LUTTE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {INSECTICIDE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {PERMETHRINE} ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ropical {M}edicine and {I}nternational {H}ealth}, volume = {3}, numero = {9}, pages = {700--705}, ISSN = {1360-2276}, year = {1998}, DOI = {10.1046/j.1365-3156.1998.00296.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010015983}, }