@incollection{fdi:010015353, title = {{I}soperoxidases are associated with resistance of cotton to {X}anthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum}, author = {{M}artinez, {C}laude and {G}eiger, {J}ean-{P}aul and {B}resson, {E}stelle and {D}aniel, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}ai, {G}.{H}. and {A}ndray, {A}. and {N}icole, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}esistant ({R}eba {B}50) and susceptible ({A}cala 44) cotton plants were investigated for intratissular growth of bacterial populations and peroxidase ({PO}x) activity, after infection of cotyledons with races 18 or 20 from #{X}anthomonas (${A}xonopodis$) campestris$ pv. #malvacearum$. {C}onsiderable multiplication of the bacterial population was noticed in the compatible interaction ({A}cala 44 / {X}cm race 18) ; it was much lower during the incompatible interaction when race 18 was infiltrated into cotyledons of {R}eba {B}50. {A}n intermediate level of bacterial growth was obtained when {R}eba {B}50 was infiltrated with race known to overcome resistance of this line. {H}igh increase in {PO}x activity occurred into the infected cotyledons during incompatible interaction, while the increase was much lower when the interactions were compatible. {O}n leaves, a similar and significant difference in enzyme activity was also observed indicating that the "peroxidase response" was systemically induced in entire resistant plants. {F}ive isoperoxidases were evidenced by {IEF} in both lines, whether they were infected or not. {B}ut only two of them accounted for the increase in activity in infected resistant cotyledons. {M}icroscopy revealed that {PO}x activity, detected at the infection sites two hours after infiltration of the resistant line was mainly located in cell walls and the middle lamella bordering intercellular spaces. {O}ur data indicate that bacterial infection of cotton plants enhanced the activity of two of the preexistent isoperoxidases in resistant plants and suggest that stimulation of {PO}x activity is associated with resistance mechanisms. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PATHOLOGIE} {VEGETALE} ; {COTON} ; {BACTERIOSE} ; {VARIETE} {SENSIBLE} ; {VARIETE} {RESISTANTE} ; {RESISTANCE} {DE} {L}'{HOTE} ; {ACTIVITE} {ENZYMATIQUE}}, booktitle = {{P}lant peroxidases : biochemistry and physiology}, numero = {}, pages = {322--327}, address = {{G}en{\`e}ve}, publisher = {{U}niversit{\'e} de {G}en{\`e}ve}, series = {}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010015353}, }