@article{fdi:010014961, title = {{N}eogene shortening contribution to crustal thickening in the back arc of the central {A}ndes}, author = {{B}aby, {P}atrice and {R}ochat, {P}. and {M}ascle, {G}. and {H}{\'e}rail, {G}{\'e}rard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o illustrate the {N}eogene shortening distribution in the back-arc units of the {C}entral {A}ndes and to estimate the contribution of the shortening to crustal thickening, two balanced crustal cross sections have been constructed across the northern and southern branches of the {B}olivian orocline. {T}otal {N}eogene shortening, which varies from 191 to 231 km, is accommodated by a crustal duplex below the {C}ordillera {O}riental, but is insufficient to produce the 70 km of crustal thickness evidenced by geophysical data below the {A}ltiplano. {T}he best explanation for this anomalous thickening seems to be crustal underplating by material tectonically eroded from the continental margin ; this process probably caused the {A}ltiplano uplift. {T}he subduction of oceanic lithosphere coupled with this underplating and a brief episode of gravity spreading of the {A}ltiplano constituted the driving forces that produced {N}eogene shortening and development of the {C}entral {A}ndes. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{TECTONIQUE} {DE} {PLAQUES} ; {SUBDUCTION} ; {NEOGENE} ; {COMPRESSION} {TECTONIQUE} ; {GEOLOGIE} {STRUCTURALE} ; {CROUTE} {CONTINENTALE} ; {CROUTE} {OCEANIQUE} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eology}, volume = {25}, numero = {10}, pages = {883--886}, year = {1997}, DOI = {10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0883:{NSCTCT}>2.3.{CO};2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010014961}, }