@article{fdi:010014906, title = {{G}enetic characterization of accessory genes from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group 0 strains}, author = {{B}ibollet-{R}uche, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {L}oussert-{A}jaka, {I}. and {S}imon, {F}. and {M}boup, {S}. and {M}poudi {N}gol{\'e}, {E}. and {S}aman, {E}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {P}eeters, {M}artine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}uman immunodeficiency virus type 1 ({HIV}-1) group {O} strains have been described as highly divergent, compared with the vast majority of the viruses involved in the worldwide {AIDS} pandemic, classified in group {M}. {T}o gain new insights into the diversity and genetic characteristics of group {O}, we have sequenced the accessory gene region (from vif to vpu) of 14 isolates. {A}nalyses of the deduced amino acid sequences for {V}il, {V}pr, the first exon of {T}at, and {V}pu indicate that most of the functional domains of these proteins, as described for group {M} viruses, are highly conserved and retained among all the group {O} strains we have characterized. {T}he only difference concerns the {V}if phosphorylation sites, which are absent in all of the group {O} isolates we have sequenced ; in contrast, they are well conserved in nearly all of the group {M} isolates, in which they play critical roles in the regulation of viral replication and infectivity. {A}s already observed for group {M} isolates, the {V}pu protein is also highly diverse among group {O} strains. {P}hylogenetic analyses of these sequences indicate that {HIV}-1 group {O} can be separated into four different clusters, containing most of the strains we have characterized (except one, which clusters outside of the analyzed viruses). {T}aking into account the criteria used for clades in group {M}, we were not able to define group {O} clades definitively. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{SIDA} ; {VIRUS} ; {SOUCHE} ; {DIVERSITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {TECHNIQUE} {PCR} ; {ACIDE} {AMINE} ; {PHYLOGENIE} ; {VIH}-1 {GROUPE} {O}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{AIDS} {R}esearch and {H}uman {R}etroviruses}, volume = {14}, numero = {11}, pages = {951--961}, ISSN = {0889-2229}, year = {1998}, DOI = {10.1089/aid.1998.14.951}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010014906}, }