@inproceedings{fdi:010012925, title = {{C}aracterizacion hidrodinamica de un suelo volcanico endurecido del {E}cuador (cangahua), influencia de los estados de superficie}, author = {{L}eroux, {Y}ann and {J}aneau, {J}ean-{L}ouis}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{T}he bare and cultivated indurated pyroclastic formations of the {E}quatorian {S}ierra ({C}angahuas) are strongly susceptible to pluvial erosion. {T}heir reincorporation to agriculture allows a partial control of ground loss and offers an alternative solution for agriculture management. {R}ain simulation gives information about imbibition, infiltration, runoff and erodibility. {T}he "quadrat point" method enabled us to observe the evolution of surface features (rugosity, crusting and sealing of porosity). {W}e make three campaignsof simulation just after the soil preparation, before and after the harrowing. {W}e observed the variations of hydrodynamic parameters and the evolution of superficial structural features. {A} rough soil preparation (coarse particle size) enhance the infiltration rate and reduce the soil loss. {O}n the contrary, a fine sized preparation weakens the roughness and seals the porosity by a superficial crusting. {T}hen the efficiency of the running water is enhaced. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur).}, keywords = {{PARCELLE} {D}'{EROSION} ; {AGREGAT} ; {HYDRODYNAMIQUE} ; {INFILTRATION} ; {SURFACE} {DU} {SOL} ; {RUGOSITE} ; {SEDIMENT} ; {SIMULATION} {DE} {PLUIE} ; {SOL} {VOLCANIQUE} ; {CANGAHUA} ; {EQUATEUR}}, numero = {}, pages = {430--442}, booktitle = {{S}uelos volcanicos endurecidos}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010012925}, }