@article{fdi:010012229, title = {{M}ultiplication of {S}podoptera littoralis granulosis virus in a cell line established from {P}hthorimaea operculella}, author = {{L}{\'e}ry, {X}avier and {K}hamiss, {O}. and {N}our-{E}l-{D}in, {A}. and {G}iannotti, {J}. and {A}bol-{E}la, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} complete replication of the #{S}podoptera littoralis granulosis$ virus ({S}pli{GV}) was obtained in vitro by both virus infection and {DNA} transfection in the {ORS}-{P}op-95 ({P}op-95) cell line established from embryonic cells of the potato tuber moth, #{P}hthorimaea operculella$. {S}pli{GV} multiplied significantly during several passages in {P}op-95 cells at 19°{C}. {W}hen the cells were infected and kept at 19°{C} for the first 4 hrs and then at 27°{C} for the rest of the experiment (20 days), the viral multiplication proceeded at the same rate. {C}omparison of {S}pli{GV} progenies, multiplied either in vivo or in vitro, using electron microscopy and restiction profile analysis, showed their identity. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{INSECTE} {NUISIBLE} ; {COTON} ; {VIRUS} {ENTOMOPATHOGENE} ; {CULTURE} {IN} {VITRO} ; {MULTIPLICATION} ; {CULTURE} {CELLULAIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}cta {V}irologica}, volume = {41}, numero = {}, pages = {169--174}, ISSN = {0001-723{X}}, year = {1997}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010012229}, }