@article{fdi:010011162, title = {{M}olecular records of micro-evolution within the {A}lgerian population of {F}usarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis during its spread to new cases}, author = {{F}ernandez, {D}iana and {O}uinten, {M}ohamed and {T}antaoui, {A}. and {G}eiger, {J}ean-{P}aul}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he genetic diversity of the date palm wilt pathogen #{F}usarium oxysporum$ f. sp. #albedinis$ in {A}lgeria was assessed using vegetative compatibility, restriction fragment length polymorphism ({RFLP}) of mitochondrial {DNA} (mt{DNA}), and random amplified polymorphic {DNA} ({RAPD}). {N}inety-eight isolates were collected from the main infested regions, {T}ouat, {G}ourara and {M}zab, and 6 isolates from {M}orocco were added for comparison. {A}ll isolates were vegetatively compatible and belonged to {VCG} 0170. {N}o variation was detected in the mt{DNA} of a subset of 73 isolates and the {RAPD} analysis indicated that they were genetically very closely related. {H}owever, some geographic substructuring was apparent, suggesting that local diversification of the pathogen might have occurred. {T}hese results provide evidence that the {A}lgerian isolates of #{F}. oxysporum$ s. sp. #albedinis$ belong to a same clonal lineage and support the hypothesis that they were probably founded by a single virulent clone that originated from the {M}oroccan oases where the date palm wilt ({B}ayoud disease) was first detected. {B}ased on similarity of {RAPD} patterns occurring in different oases, and on historical records of the {B}ayoud disease in {A}lgeria, spread of the pathogen in the different regions is discussed. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PATHOLOGIE} {VEGETALE} ; {CHAMPIGNON} {PARASITE} ; {VARIABILITE} {GENETIQUE} ; {BIOLOGIE} {MOLECULAIRE} ; {GENETIQUE} {DE} {POPULATION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {P}lant {P}athology}, volume = {103}, numero = {5}, pages = {485--490}, ISSN = {0929-1873}, year = {1997}, DOI = {10.1023/{A}:1008644515046}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010011162}, }