@article{fdi:010007853, title = {{G}enetic structure and evolution of {T}rypanosoma cruzi, the agent of {C}hagas disease, as revealed by multiprimer {RAPD} analysis : clonality vs sexuality}, author = {{B}risse, {S}ylvain and {B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure and {S}idib{\'e}, {I}ssa and {B}arnab{\'e}, {C}hristian and {T}ibayrenc, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {#{T}rypanosoma cruzi$ natural populations have been shown to be highly heterogeneous and subdivided into a number of genetically distant clonal lineages. {W}e have selected 21 highly resolutive primers, out of 120 tested, to analyse 50 stocks representative of the major genetic subdivisions of the parasite. {S}tocks were isolated from diverse hosts and from different geographic areas. {O}ther trypanosomatids, including #{L}eishmania$ and #{T}. congolense$, were analysed in parallel in order to directly compare their genetic diversity with #{T}. cruzi$. {T}he results show the marked genetic structuration of #{T}. cruzi$ in a few distinct genetic groups, confirming previous {MLEE} and {RAPD} data. {T}hese groups are interpreted as clonal lineages. {RAPD} markers specific for each group are numerous and will be used to develop probes for specific diagnostic purposes. {T}he huge genetic heterogeneity of #{T}. cruzi$ is confirmed by the divergence between lineages of this parasite which is similar to that observed between species, and even species complexes, within the #{L}eishmania$ genus. {T}he phylogenetic relationships between the #{T}. cruzi$ groups were investigated by multivariate and phylogenetic analysis. {T}he monophyly of each group appears robust, but the hierarchical relationships between groups are problematic. {M}oreover, some groups display features that could be interpreted as the result of a hybridization event between strains of two other groups. {T}hese findings suggest the possibility of an evolutionary process involving both occasional recombination leading to new genotypes and clonal evolution of successful lineages. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{MALADIE} {DE} {CHAGAS} ; {AGENT} {PATHOGENE} ; {POLYMORPHISME} {GENETIQUE} ; {CLONE} ; {RAPD}.{RANDOM} {AMPLIFIED} {POLYMORPHIC} {DNA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}emorias do {I}nstituto {O}swaldo {C}ruz}, volume = {91}, numero = {no sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {277}, ISSN = {0074-0276}, year = {1996}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010007853}, }