@article{fdi:010005393, title = {{S}ampling plans for {M}ononychellus progresivus and {O}ligonychus gossypii ({A}cari : {T}etranychidae) on cassava in {A}frica}, author = {{B}onato, {O}livier and {B}aumgärtner, {J}. and {G}utierrez, {J}ean}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ampling plans were developed for 2 phytophagous mites, #{M}ononychellus progresivus$ {D}oreste and #{O}ligonychus gossypii$ ({Z}acher), on cassava in {A}frica. {A}nalysis of intraplant distribution showed a preference of #{M}. progresivus$ for the apical and middle parts of the plant, and of #{O}. gossypii$ for the middle and lower plant parts. {T}hus, the first fully developed leaf in the middle part was chosen as the common sampling unit for both species. {O}n this unit, both species displayed aggregated distributions. {T}he proposed binomial and enumerative sampling plans permit reliable estimates of both #{M}. progresivus$ and #{O}. gossypii$ densities. {F}orty fully developed leaves provided satisfactory estimates of the densities of both mite species. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ACARIEN} {PHYTOPHAGE} ; {ECHANTILLONNAGE} ; {INFESTATION} ; {FEUILLE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}conomic {E}ntomology}, volume = {88}, numero = {5}, pages = {1296--1300}, ISSN = {0022-0493}, year = {1995}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010005393}, }