@article{PAR00024456, title = {{M}eloidogyne-{SP}4 effector gene silencing reduces reproduction of root-knot nematodes in rice ({O}ryza sativa)}, author = {{N}guyen, {P}. {V}. and {B}ien, {T}. {L}. {T}. and {T}on, {L}. {B}. and {L}e, {D}. {D}. and {K}athrynwright, {M}. and {M}antelin, {S}. and {P}etitot, {A}nne-{S}ophie and {F}ernandez, {D}iana and {B}ellafiore, {S}t{\'e}phane}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he root-knot nematodes ({RKN}) {M}eloidogyne graminicola and {M}. incognita are responsible for rice yield losses worldwide, particularly in {A}sia and {A}frica. {P}revious studies demonstrated that nematode-secreted proteins are crucial for root invasion and establishment in the host. {W}e present some characteristics of a pioneer effector, {M}. incognita -secreted protein 4 ({M}i-{SP}4), which is conserved in {RKN} and required for infection in compatible rice-{RKN} interactions. {I}n situ hybridisation assays revealed {M}i-{SP}4 expression in the dorsal pharyngeal gland of {M}. incognita second-stage juveniles ({J}2). {M}eloidogyne-{SP}4 transcripts strongly accumulated in pre-parasitic {J}2 and decreased in later parasitic stages of {M}. incognita and {M}. graminicola. {T}ransient expression of the nematode effector gene in {N}icotiana benthamiana leaves and onion cells indicated that {GFP}-tagged {M}i-{SP}4 was present in the cytoplasm and accumulated in the nucleus of the plant cells. {I}n vitro {RNA} interference ({RNA}i) gene silencing, obtained by soaking {J}2 with small-interfering (si){RNA} si4-1, decreased {M}i -{SP}4 expression in {J}2 by 35% and significantly reduced {M}. incognita reproduction in rice by at least 30%. {S}imilarly, host-mediated gene silencing of the nematode {SP}4 effector candidate gene in transgenic rice plants significantly reduced {M}. graminicola reproduction by 26% to 47%. {T}he data obtained demonstrate that {M}i-{SP}4 is a pioneer virulence effector, which plays an essential role in both {M}. incognita and {M}. graminicola pathogenicity on rice.}, keywords = {host-mediated gene silencing by {RNA}i ; {M}eloidogyne graminicola ; {M}eloidogyne incognita ; nematode reproduction ; nematode-secreted ; proteins ; virulence effector}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ematology}, volume = {24}, numero = {5}, pages = {571--588}, ISSN = {1388-5545}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1163/15685411-bja10152}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00024456}, }