@article{PAR00023378, title = {{C}ompound-specific stable isotope analysis provides new insights for tracking human monomethylmercury exposure sources}, author = {{Y}ang, {S}. {C}. and {W}ang, {B}. and {Q}in, {C}. {Y}. and {Y}in, {R}. {S}. and {L}i, {P}. and {L}iu, {J}. {L}. and {P}oint, {D}avid and {M}aurice, {L}aurence and {S}onke, {J}. {E}. and {Z}hang, {L}. {M}. and {F}eng, {X}. {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}onomethylmercury ({MMH}g) exposure can induce adverse neurodevelopmental effects in humans and is a global environmental health concern. {H}uman exposure to {MMH}g occurs predominately through the consumption of fishery foods and rice in {A}sia, but it is challenging to quantify these two exposure sources. {H}ere, we innovatively utilized {MMH}g compound-specific stable isotope analyses ({MMH}g-{CSIA}) of the hair to quantify the human {MMH}g sources in coastal and inland areas, where fishery foods and rice are routinely consumed. {O}ur data showed that the fishery foods and rice end members had distinct {D}elta({H}g{MMH}g)-{H}g-199 values in both coastal and inland areas. {T}he {D}elta({H}g{MMH}g)-{H}g-199 values of the human hair were comparable to those of fishery foods but not those of rice. {P}ositive shifts in the delta({H}g{MMH}g)-{H}g-202 values of the hair from diet were observed in the study areas. {A}dditionally, significant differences in delta {H}g-202 versus {D}elta {H}g-199 were detected between {MMH}g and inorganic {H}g ({IH}g) in the human hair but not in fishery foods and rice. {A} binary mixing model was developed to estimate the human {MMH}g exposures from fishery foods and rice using {D}elta {H}g-199({MMH}g) data. {T}he model results suggested that human {MMH}g exposures were dominated (>80%) by fishery food consumption and were less affected by rice consumption in both the coastal and inland areas. {T}his study demonstrated that the {MMH}g-{CSIA} method can provide unique information for tracking human {MMH}g exposure sources by excluding the deviations from dietary surveys, individual {MMH}g absorption/demethylation efficiencies, and the confounding effects of {IH}g.}, keywords = {monomethylmercury ; human hair ; fishery food ; rice ; isotope ; {CHINE} ; {HOUSHAN} ; {XIAMEN} ; {WUHAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {T}echnology}, volume = {55}, numero = {18}, pages = {12493--12503}, ISSN = {0013-936{X}}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1021/acs.est.1c01771}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00023378}, }