@article{PAR00019293, title = {{C}aract{\'e}risation de la baisse hydrologique actuelle de la rivi{\`e}re {O}ubangui {\`a} {B}angui, {R}{\'e}publique {C}entrafricaine}, author = {{N}guimalet, {C}. {R}. and {O}range, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}he {U}bangui {R}iver in {B}angui comes from {T}he {M}bomu {R}iver, the {CAR} side and the {U}ele {R}iver from the {DRC}. {I}ts flow till {B}angui in the bottom has 546 kilometers long and has numerous anastomoses, sprinkled with a good deal of islands and strangulations ({P}alambo and {B}angui). {I}ts side basin is influenced by the {S}udano-{G}uinean variable of dumb tropical climate. {T}his paper revisits the hydroclimatic changes of the {U}bangui {R}iver at the outlet of {B}angui in favor of a new hydropluviometric serial data from 1935 to 2015. {T}he annual rainfall and hydrological data series were analyzed using different statistical tests (rainfall index and flow index, breaks research, depletion coefficients). {R}ainfall series still shows only one break in 1970, which confirms the exceptionality of this climate disruption in {C}entral {A}frica. {H}owever hydrological series identifies four different hydrological periods: 1935-1959, 1960-1970, 1971-1982 and 1982-2013. {T}he last period shows an average deficit of -22% (2 893 m(3)/s) compared to the mean annual flow over the entire study period (3 700 m(3)/s). {T}he average relationship rain/runoff did not change during these well-identified hydroclimatic periods, suggesting that the hydrological functioning of the {U}bangui {R}iver has not changed because of this climate disruption. {I}t is attributed to the low human impact over this basin and to the small change of the vegetation cover. {H}owever the comparison of annual changes in the depletion coefficient with the volume mobilized by the aquifer flows to sustain the {U}bangui {R}iver flows clearly indicates the relationship change before and after 1970 and after 2000.}, keywords = {hydrological drop ; aquifer ; depletion coefficient ; {U}bangui {R}iver ; {C}entral {A}frican {R}epublic ; {CENTRAFRIQUE} ; {BANGUI} ; {OUBANGUI} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ouille {B}lanche : {R}evue {I}nternationale de l'{E}au}, numero = {1}, pages = {78--84}, ISSN = {0018-6368}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1051/lhb/2019010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00019293}, }