@article{PAR00008819, title = {{E}valuation of {SMOS} soil moisture products over continental {US} using the {SCAN}/{SNOTEL} network}, author = {{A}l {B}itar, {A}. and {L}eroux, {D}. and {K}err, {Y}ann and {M}erlin, {O}. and {R}ichaume, {P}. and {S}ahoo, {A}. and {W}ood, {E}.{F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity ({SMOS}) satellite has opened the era of soil moisture products from passive {L}-band observations. {I}n this paper, validation of {SMOS} products over continental {U}.{S}. is done by using the {S}oil {C}limate {A}nalysis {N}etwork ({SCAN})/{SNO}wpack {TEL}emetry ({SNOTEL}) soil moisture monitoring stations. {T}he {SMOS} operational products and the {SMOS} reprocessing products are both used and compared over year 2010. {F}irst, a direct node-to-site comparison is performed by taking advantage of the oversampling of the {SMOS} product grid. {T}he comparison is performed over several adjacent nodes to site, and several representative couples of site-node are identified. {T}he impact of forest fraction is shown through the analysis of different cases across the {U}.{S}. {A}lso, the impact of water fraction is shown through two examples in {F}lorida and in {U}tah close to {G}reat {S}alt {L}ake. {A} radiometric aggregation approach based on the antenna footprint and spatial description is used. {A} global comparison of the {SCAN}/{SNOTEL} versus {SMOS} is made. {S}tatistics show an underestimation of the soil moisture from {SMOS} compared to the {SCAN}/{SNOTEL} local measurements. {T}he results suggest that {SMOS} meets the mission requirement of 0.04 m(3)/m(3) over specific nominal cases, but differences are observed over many sites and need to be addressed.}, keywords = {{L}-band ; microwave ; {S}oil {C}limate {A}nalysis {N}etwork ({SCAN}) ; soil moisture ; {S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity ({SMOS}) ; {SNO}wpack {TEL}emetry ({SNOTEL}) ; validation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{IEEE} {T}ransactions on {G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {50}, numero = {5}, pages = {1572--1586}, ISSN = {0196-2892}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1109/tgrs.2012.2186581}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00008819}, }