@article{PAR00007917, title = {{I}nvolvement of thyroid hormones in the control of larval metamorphosis in {S}icyopterus lagocephalus ({T}eleostei: {G}obioidei) at the time of river recruitment}, author = {{T}aillebois, {L}. and {K}eith, {P}. and {V}alade, {P}. and {T}orres, {P}. and {B}aloche, {S}. and {D}ufour, {S}ylvie and {R}ousseau, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}fter oceanic migration, post-larvae of the amphidromous {S}icyopterus lagocephalus recruit to rivers in {R}eunion {I}sland. {A}s they enter the river mouth, post-larvae undergo many morphological, physiological and behavioural changes. {T}hese drastic changes, which allow them to change feeding regime and to colonise the juvenile and adult freshwater habitat, are defined as metamorphosis. {T}he endocrine control of these changes has never been investigated in {G}obioid fish. {H}ere, we investigated whether thyroid hormones ({TH}) influence metamorphosis in recruiting {S}. lagocephalus. {A}n analytical study was first performed on a cohort of 2400 fish caught at post-larval stage 1 and maintained for 37 days after capture in a flume tank (fluvarium), which replicates as closely as possible the natural conditions. {B}iometrical parameters (total and standard lengths, corner of mouth angle, body mass and condition factor) and whole-body thyroxine ({T}-4) and triiodothyronine ({T}-3) contents were measured on fish, sampled at regular intervals during these 37 days (192 fish). {TH} levels, measured by radioimmunoassays, were highest when morphological changes, such as the change in the position of the mouth, were most important. {A}n experimental approach was then used to test the effect of the hormonal treatment ({T}-4 or thiourea, {TU}, a {TH} inhibitor) on biometrical parameters of 576 post-larvae. {T}he change in the position of the mouth was significantly accelerated in the {T}-4-treated post-larvae, while it was significantly delayed in the {TU}-treated post-larvae, compared to controls. {O}ur study suggests that {S}. lagocephalus post-larva undergoes a true metamorphic event under the control of thyroid hormones at the time of its recruitment into the river.}, keywords = {{M}etamorphosis ; {T}hyroid hormone ; {T}eleost ; {G}oby ; {R}eunion {I}sland}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eneral and {C}omparative {E}ndocrinology}, volume = {173}, numero = {2}, pages = {281--288}, ISSN = {0016-6480}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ygcen.2011.06.008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007917}, }