@article{PAR00007631, title = {{A}dhesion mechanisms of plant-pathogenic xanthomonadaceae}, author = {{M}hedbi-{H}ajri, {N}. and {J}acques, {M}. {A}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he family {X}anthomonadaceae is a wide-spread family of bacteria belonging to the gamma subdivision of the {G}ram-negative proteobacteria, including the two plant-pathogenic genera {X}anthomonas and {X}ylella, and the related genus {S}tenotrophomonas. {A}dhesion is a widely conserved virulence mechanism among {G}ram-negative bacteria, no matter whether they are human, animal or plant pathogens, since attachment to the host tissue is one of the key early steps of the bacterial infection process. {B}acterial attachment to surfaces is mediated by surface structures that are anchored in the bacterial outer membrane and cover a broad group of fimbrial and non-fimbrial structures, commonly known as adhesins. {I}n this chapter, we discuss recent findings on candidate adhesins of plant-pathogenic {X}anthomonadaceae, including polysaccharidic (lipopolysaccharides, exopolysaccharides) and proteineous structures (chaperone/usher pili, type {IV} pili, autotransporters, two-partner-secreted and other outer membrane adhesins), their involvement in the formation of biofilms and their mode of regulation via quorum sensing. {W}e then compare the arsenals of adhesins among different {X}anthomonas strains and evaluate their mode of selection. {F}inally, we summarize the sparse knowledge on specific adhesin receptors in plants and the possible role of {RGD} motifs in binding to integrin-like plant molecules.}, keywords = {{ORYZAE} {PV}. {ORYZAE} ; {EXTRACELLULAR} {POLYSACCHARIDE} {PRODUCTION} ; {AFFECT} ; {TWITCHING} {MOTILITY} ; {CELL}-{CELL} {COMMUNICATION} ; {DI}-{GMP} {TURNOVER} ; {XYLELLA}-{FASTIDIOSA} ; {BIOFILM} {FORMATION} ; {VIRULENCE} {FACTORS} ; {PLASMA}-{MEMBRANE} ; {IV} {PILI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}acterial {A}dhesion : {C}hemistry, {B}iology and {P}hysics}, volume = {715}, numero = {}, pages = {71--89}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1007/978-94-007-0940-9_5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007631}, }