@article{PAR00007509, title = {{D}iatom based transfer function for estimating the chemical composition of fossil water. {C}alibration based on salt lakes of the {L}ipez area in the southwestern {B}olivian {A}ltiplano}, author = {{S}ervant {V}ildary, {S}imone and {R}isacher, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {R}oux, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}iatom assemblages and water chemistry were studied in 13 shallow salt lakes in the southern part of the {B}olivian {A}ltiplano. {A}t each locality bottm sediment and water samples were collected simultaneously. {R}elationships between the composition of the diatom assemblages and variations in water chemistry were collated in order to permit the estimation of ancient water chemistries based on changes in the make up of fossil diatom associations in older sediments. {W}eighted {A}verages treated by {P}artial {L}east {S}quares regression ({WA} and {WA}-{PLS} methods) allowed an estimation of optima and the relative tolerances of 61 species to variations in salinity and to the relative quantities of the 15 chemical elements studied, among them boron and lithium.}, keywords = {flora ; diatom ; {B}olivia ; {Q}uaternary ; water ionic content ; water chemistry ; transfer function ; ecology ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}arnets de {G}{\'e}ologie}, volume = {{M}emoir 2002/01}, numero = {{CG}2002_{M}01}, pages = {36}, year = {2002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007509}, }