@article{PAR00007492, title = {{D}elta13{C} variation in scallop shells : increasing metabolic carbon contribution with body size ?}, author = {{L}orrain, {A}nne and {P}aulet, {Y}.{M}. and {C}hauvaud, {L}. and {D}unbar, {R}.{B}. and {M}ucciarone, {D}.{A}. and {F}ontugne, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e examined {D}elta13{C} values of shallow and deep-water scallop shells as well as {D}elta13{C} of dissolved inorganic carbon ({DIC}) from the {B}ay of {B}rest in western {B}rittany. {T}ime series of shell calcite ?13{C} do not reflect seasonal variation in seawater {D}elta13{C}, but rather show a consistent pattern of decreasing {D}elta13{C} with age, suggesting a metabolic effect rather than direct environmental control. {T}his {D}elta13{C} trend reflects an increasing contribution of metabolic {CO}2 to skeletal carbonate throughout ontogeny, although this respired {CO}2 does not seem to be the major source of skeletal carbon (contribution of only 10% over the first year of life). {W}e propose a model of this effect that depends on the availability of metabolic carbon relative to the carbon requirements for calcification. {A} ratio of "respired to precipitated carbon" is calculated, and represents the amount of metabolic carbon available for calcification. {I}nterestingly, this ratio increases throughout ontogeny suggesting a real increase of metabolic carbon utilization into the skeleton relative to carbon from seawater {DIC}. {T}his ratio allows us to separate two different populations of {P}ecten maximus of different water depth. {I}t is therefore suggested that shell {D}elta13{C} might be used to track differences in the metabolic activity of scallops from different populations.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eochimica et {C}osmochimica {A}cta}, volume = {68}, numero = {17}, pages = {3509--3519}, year = {2004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007492}, }