@article{PAR00007485, title = {{B}arium uptake into the shells of the common mussel ({M}ytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction}, author = {{G}illikin, {D}.{P}. and {D}ehairs, {F}. and {L}orrain, {A}nne and {S}teenmans, {D}. and {B}aeyens, {W}. and {A}ndr{\'e}, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study we test if calcite shells of the common mussel, {M}ytilus edulis, contain barium in proportion to the water in which they grew. {S}imilar to all bivalves analyzed to date, the [{B}a/{C}a]shell profiles are characterized by a relatively flat background [{B}a/{C}a]shell, interrupted by sharp [{B}a/{C}a]shell peaks. {P}revious studies have focused on these [{B}a/{C}a]shell peaks, but not on the background [{B}a/{C}a]shell. {W}e show that in both laboratory and field experiments, there is a direct relationship between the background [{B}a/{C}a]shell and [{B}a/{C}a]water in {M}. edulis shells. {T}he laboratory and field data provided background {B}a/{C}a partition coefficients ({DB}a) of 0.10 ± 0.02 and 0.071 ± 0.001, respectively. {T}his range is slightly higher than the {DB}a previously determined for inorganic calcite, and slightly lower than foraminiferal calcite. {T}hese data suggest that {M}. edulis shells can be used as an indicator of [{B}a/{C}a]water, and therefore, fossil or archaeological {M}. edulis shells could be used to extend knowledge of estuarine dissolved {B}a throughputs back in time. {M}oreover, considering the inverse relationship between [{B}a/{C}a]water and salinity, background [{B}a/{C}a]shell data could be used as an estuary specific indicator of salinity. {T}he cause of the [{B}a/{C}a]shell peaks are more confusing, both the laboratory and field experiments indicate that they cannot be used as a direct proxy of [{B}a/{C}a]water or phytoplankton production, but may possibly be caused by barite ingestion.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eochimica et {C}osmochimica {A}cta}, volume = {70}, numero = {2}, pages = {395--407}, year = {2006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007485}, }