@inproceedings{PAR00007470, title = {{E}tude des interactions entre services des {\'e}cosyst{\`e}mes : cons{\'e}quences de la cr{\'e}ation des march{\'e}s ruraux de bois {\'e}nergie sur un socio-syst{\`e}me au {N}iger}, author = {{R}ives, {F}. and {A}ntona, {M}. and {A}ubert, {S}. and {C}arriere, {S}t{\'e}phanie and {I}chaou, {A}. and {M}ontagne, {P}. and {P}eltier, {R}. and {S}ibelet, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}his paper aim to analyze the consequences of the creation of firewood rural markets in {N}iger. {W}e made an assessment of the changes of interactions between ecosystem services linked with the creation of rural market. {T}he study was based on interviews conducted at the local scale of the rural market of Ñinpelima in order to assess the changes between 1980 and 2009. {W}e define ecosystem services as an interaction between a social system and an ecological system. {T}his definition allows us to characterize ecosystem services and the origins of their interactions. {T}he synergies and trade-offs observed are the results of two types of interactions between ecosystem services: cooperation and competition. {R}ural markets rely on institutional and technical innovation at the national scale. {T}hese innovations affect the local scale. {A}lthough the creation of rural market aims essentially the service of firewood production, the interactions lead to changes of other ecosystem services. {M}anagement strategies have to take in account these interactions for that rural markets of firewood achieve their objective of sustainable management of the ecosystems as a whole.}, keywords = {{E}cosystem services ; {I}nteraction ; {F}irewood {R}ural {M}arket ; {D}river of change ; {C}ompetition ; {C}ooperation ; {NIGER}}, numero = {}, pages = {14 multigr.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007470}, }