@article{PAR00007466, title = {{L}ate {G}lacial and {H}olocene avulsions of the {R}io {P}astaza {M}egafan ({E}cuador- {P}eru): frequency and controlling factors}, author = {{B}ernal, {C}. and {C}hristophoul, {F}. and {D}arrozes, {J}. and {S}oula, {J}.{C}. and {B}aby, {P}atrice and {B}urgos, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he geomorphological study by mean of remote sensing imagery of the {R}io {P}astaza {M}egafan ({E}cuador and northern {P}eru), reveals the traces of numerous avulsions. 108 avulsion sites have been defined. {T}he location of these sites, the available radiocarbon ages as well as historical maps of the 17th century, enable us to propose an evolution history of the migration and avulsions of the {R}io {P}astaza since the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum. {T}he first avulsions of the {R}ío {P}astaza occurred after the {LGM} in a zone close to and roughly parallel to the sudandean front, where the developed avulsion gave a distributive pattern to the ancient stream of the {R}ío {P}astaza in an area located between the modern {R}ío {M}orona and {P}astaza, where they caused the {R}io {P}astaza to develop a fan-like distributary pattern. {T}his is interpreted as a response to thrust related forelimb tilt, progressively shifting eastward the {R}io {P}astaza and the apex of the megafan. {T}his sequence of events ended with the {G}reat {D}iversion of the {R}io {P}astaza toward the modern {R}ios {C}orrientes and {T}igre. {A}vulsions occurred in the {T}igre-{C}orrientes {A}rea between 9200 and 8500 yrs{C}al {BP}. {A}fterward, the {R}ío {P}astaza was diverted to its present-day north-south course. {T}his last significant avulsion occurred before {AD} 1691. {I}n the area located between the modern {R}ío {M}orona and {P}astaza, avulsion frequency - probably overestimated - ranges between 100 to 200yrs. {I}n the {R}íos {T}igre and {C}orrientes area, avulsion frequency ? probably underestimated - ranges from 300 to 400 yrs. {R}egional tectonics is likely to have triggered most of the avulsions in the {M}orona-{P}astaza area but its influence is restricted to this area. {T}he factors controlling the avulsions in the {T}igre-{C}orrientes area are less clear because the frequently described ?hydrologic?-driven avulsion as observed in areas characterized by contrasted hydrologic cycles are inconsistent with the characteristics of the hydrologic cycles of the {R}io {P}astaza.}, keywords = {{A}vulsion ; {M}egafan ; {A}mazonia ; {C}ontrolling factors ; {P}ost-{LGM} ; {T}ectonics ; {EQUATEUR} ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {100}, numero = {}, pages = {1759--1782}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1007/s00531-010-0555-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007466}, }