@inproceedings{PAR00007460, title = {{C}ities and their water socio-footprint : a dynamic socio-technical network}, author = {{B}arreteau, {O}. and {A}brami, {G}. and {C}ernesson, {F}. and {D}ucrot, {R}. and {G}arin, {P}atrice and {L}e {G}oulven, {P}atrick and {M}aurel, {P}. and {R}ichard-{F}erroudji, {A}. and {S}ouch{\`e}re, {V}. and {W}erey, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}hrough examples of interactions among urban and rural areas we have built the concept of urban water socio-footprint, on the basis of concepts of water and urban footprints. {T}his urban water socio-footprint entails making explicit the socio-technical network which disseminates the impact of urban activities on water system or due to their specific needs towards water system. {A}nimating this footprint with people, their dynamics and migration, their concerns about various places leads to couple the dynamics of water system and land use in the whole urban systems, including built and non built, cultivated and non cultivated areas. {T}his raises the issue of the existence of institutions to take in charger the links which are emerging through these multiple sources of interdependences.}, keywords = {{RELATION} {VILLE} {CAMPAGNE} ; {RESEAU} {SOCIAL} ; {HYDRAULIQUE} ; {RESEAU} {DE} {DISTRIBUTION} {D}'{EAU} ; {SYSTEME} {DYNAMIQUE} ; {ACTEUR} {LOCAL} ; {FRANCE}}, numero = {}, pages = {10 multigr.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00007460}, }