@article{PAR00006222, title = {{O}n the role of the mesoscale circulation on an idealized coastal upwelling ecosystem}, author = {{L}athuili{\`e}re, {C}. and {E}chevin, {V}incent and {L}{\'e}vy, {M}. and {M}adec, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n idealized circulation model of coastal upwelling coupled to an ecosystem model has been built to address the impact of features such as eddies and filaments emerging from mesoscale dynamics on a marine ecosystem. {T}he model mimics coastal upwelling along an infinite straight coast with north-south cyclic boundary conditions. {T}hanks to the parametrization of the geostrophic onshore flow in the thermocline, the circulation captures the typical characteristics of a coastal upwelling region: an equatorward coastal jet, a poleward undercurrent along the continental slope and mesoscale eddies and filaments. {T}his eddying three-dimensional simulation is compared to a two-dimensional simulation using the averaged velocity field of the first simulation as velocity field. {T}his approach allows us to compare simulations having similar upwelling and nutrient input but differing in the nature of the flow. {A}n offshore spreading of the phytoplankton bloom is found in the eddying simulation. {T}he width of the productive coastal band is increased from 80 km to 200 km by the mesoscale activity. {A} biogeochemical budget carried out in a 300 km-wide coastal band provides evidence that mesoscale activity decreases the total phytoplankton content mainly by exporting a significant part of the surface phytoplankton below the euphotic layer. {I}n presence of mesoscale activity, the downward and offshore export of phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus significantly contributes to total export of organic matter out of the surface coastal ocean, whereas their contribution to export is weak in the two-dimensional case.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch.{O}ceans}, volume = {115}, numero = {}, pages = {{C}09018}, ISSN = {0148-0227}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1029/2009jc005827}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00006222}, }