@article{PAR00004772, title = {{L}ymphocryptovirus phylogeny and the origins of {E}pstein-{B}arr virus}, author = {{E}hlers, {B}. and {S}piess, {K}. and {L}eendertz, {F}. and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {B}oesch, {C}. and {G}atherer, {D}. and {M}c{G}eoch, {D}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}pecimens from wild and captive primates were collected and novel members of the genus {L}ymphocryptovirus (subfamily {G}ammaherpesvirinae) were searched for utilizing {PCR} for the {DNA} polymerase gene. {T}wenty-one novel viruses were detected. {T}ogether with previous findings, more than 50 distinct lymphocryptoviruses ({LCV}s) are now known, with hosts from six primate families ({H}ominidae, {H}ylobatidae, {C}ercopithecidae, {A}telidae, {C}ebidae and {P}itheciidae). {F}urther work extended genomic sequences for 25 {LCV}s to 3.4-7.4 kbp. {P}hylogenetic trees were constructed, based on alignments of protein sequences inferred from the {LCV} genomic data. {T}he {LCV}s fell into three major clades: {C}lade {A}, comprising {N}ew {W}orld viruses; {C}lade {B}, containing both {O}ld {W}orld monkey viruses and hominoid viruses including {E}pstein-{B}arr virus ({EBV}); and {C}lade {C}, containing other hominoid viruses. {B}y comparison with the primate tree, it was proposed that major elements of the {LCV} tree represented synchronous evolution with host lineages, with the earliest node in both trees being the separation of {O}ld and {N}ew {W}orld lines, but that some virus lineages originated by interspecies transfer. {F}rom comparisons of branch lengths, it was inferred that evolutionary substitution in {C}lade {B} has proceeded more slowly than elsewhere in the {LCV} tree. {I}t was estimated that in {C}lade {B} a subclade containing {EBV}, a gorilla virus and two chimpanzee viruses derived from an {O}ld {W}orld monkey {LCV} line approximately 12 million years ago, and another subclade containing an orang-utan virus and a gibbon virus derived from a macaque {LCV} line approximately 1.2 million years ago.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eneral {V}irology}, volume = {91}, numero = {{P}art 3}, pages = {630--642}, ISSN = {0022-1317}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1099/vir.0.017251-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00004772}, }