@article{PAR00003589, title = {{C}hangements environnementaux et {\'e}mergences de maladies {\`a} transmission vectorielle en {E}urope : improving risk surveillance and management}, author = {{L}ancelot, {R}. and {P}on{\c{c}}on, {N}icolas and {H}endrickx, {G}. and {F}ontenille, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{V}ector-borne diseases are highly sensitive to environment and to environmental changes. {F}aced with their recrudescence and public concern about the possible consequences of climate and other environmental changes, the {E}uropean commission has launched a large, integrative research project called {EDEN} ({E}merging diseases in a changing {E}uropean environment), involving 24 countries and 49 scientific partners from {E}urope, the {M}iddle {E}ast and {A}frica. {T}he goals of {EDEN} are to identify ecosystems exposed to a high risk of vector-borne disease emergence, and to explain and model the underlying epidemiological processes. {F}or this purpose, an inter-disciplinary approach was adopted to ensure close interaction between biology, ecology, geography and modelling. {T}he expected result is the development of new methods to help public-health agencies create disease-monitoring, early-warning and decision-making tools for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases. {A}fter a general presentation of {EDEN}, we show results obtained with the {M}alaria sub-project, focusing on the {C}amargue ecosystem, to assess the risk of resurgence of disease previously eradicated from this region.}, keywords = {health-environment ; vector ; vector-borne disease ; model ; {E}urope ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin de l'{A}cad{\'e}mie {V}{\'e}t{\'e}rinaire de {F}rance}, volume = {162}, numero = {1}, pages = {89--96}, ISSN = {0001-4192}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00003589}, }