@article{PAR00003220, title = {{T}unga penetrans ({I}nsecta, {S}iphonaptera, {T}ungidae) {\`a} {M}adagascar : une nuisance n{\'e}glig{\'e}e = {T}unga penetrans in {M}adagascar}, author = {{R}atovonjato, {J}. and {R}andriambelosoa, {J}. and {R}obert, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}ungose is endemic in {M}adagascar, {T}unga penetrans, "parasy lafrika" in malagasy is the one flea species of the genus, found and the single cause of this disease in the country. {O}n 1895, tungose was introduced front the {A}frican continent to the island by port ways. {O}n 1899, this disease touched massively the population of the capital, {A}ntananarivo. {T}hen. the infection propagated progressively and it became endemic in the large part of the anthropic area of the {C}ountry. {R}ecently. the {M}alagasy government created a commitment to fight against the tungose: indoor and outdoor insecticides spraying were used in all area with it high prevalence of the infection but the effectiveness of these methods remains to be estimated. {E}xcept the knowledge of the behavior of the adult female of {T}. penetrans, its bioecology is unknown and its socioeconomic impacts are under estimated in {M}adagascar. {L}imited investigation on the collection methods of this flea species were conducted and the results showed the effectiveness of the "pieges bougies" (traps with candle) and the "pieges {E}strade" (trap with dust collection). {T}hese results could contribute to a better {U}nderstanding of the ecology, the biology and the methods to fighting against this disease in {M}adagascar. {T}his paper exposes a synthesis of the knowledge on the {T} penetrans in {M}adagascar, an original data on the tungose in the district of {M}oramanga (on the eastern fringe of the {M}alagasy highlands), the amount of the municipalities touched by the tungose on 2002 in 111 districts of {M}adagascar and finally, the paper proposes some research perspectives.}, keywords = {{T}unga penetrans ; children ; {R}attus ; pig ; {M}adagascar}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue de {M}{\'e}decine {V}{\'e}t{\'e}rinaire}, volume = {159}, numero = {11}, pages = {551--556}, ISSN = {0035-1555}, year = {2008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00003220}, }