@incollection{PAR00002915, title = {{G}enetic relationships of {M}ytilus galloprovincialis {L}mk. populations worldwide : evidence from nuclear -{DNA} markers}, author = {{D}aguin, {C}. and {B}orsa, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}llozyme surveys of genetic variation in {M}ytilus galloprovincialis {L}mk. throughout the world have identified three groups within this species: a northeastern ({NE}) {A}tlantic group that also includes the {M}. galloprovincialis population of {S}outh {A}frica, a {M}editerranean group that also includes the {M}. galloprovincialis populations from the eastern and the western coasts of the {N}orth {P}acific, and an {A}ustralasian g roup. {H}ypotheses that have been proposed to account for the genetic differentiation patterns and disjunct, worldwide distribution of {M}. galloprovincialis include the recent introduction of this species into the {S}outhern {H}emisphere and the {N}orth {P}acific through human agency, and an alternative hypothesis that each of the three groups is endemic. {W}e used two nuclear-{DNA} markers (the polyphenolic adhesive protein gene {G}lu-5' and the first intron of the actin gene mac-1) to investigate in more depth the genetic relationships among {M}. galloprovincialis populations. {S}amples were taken between 1996 and 1999 from {C}alifornia, the {NE} {A}tlantic, the {M}editerranean {S}ea, {S}outh {A}frica, {K}orea, {W}estern {A}ustralia, {T}asmania, and {N}ew {Z}ealand. {NE} {A}tlantic {M}. edulis {L}. were used a s an outgroup. {W}hile all {M}. galloprovincialis samples were fixed, or nearly so, for the diagnostic {G} allele at locus {G}lu-5', correspondence analysis of mac-1 allele -frequency data highlighted the genetic distinctness of {A}ustralasian mussels relative to other {M}. galloprovincialis populations. {T}he latter consisted of two differentiated groups ({NE} {A}tlantic and {M}editerranean) as formerly reported at allozyme loci. {A}nother sample, from {C}hile, was nearly identical to {M}editerranean {M}. galloprovincialis. {N}uclear-{DNA} data thus enforce the idea that {M}. galloprovincialis have probably been introduced from the {M}editerranean to the {N}orth {P}acific (and now {C}hile), and from the {NE} {A}tlantic to {S}outh {A}frica. {W}e argue that {A}ustralasian mussels derive from a proto- {M}. galloprovincialis population introgressed by {M}. edulis-like genes, and should be considered as a regional subspecies of {M}. galloprovincialis.}, keywords = {{GENETIC} ; {MITHOCONDRIAL} ; {M}ytilus galloprovincialis ; nuclear -{DNA} markers}, booktitle = {{B}ivalve systematics and evolution}, numero = {}, pages = {389--397}, address = {}, publisher = {{G}eological {S}ociety of {L}ondon}, series = {}, year = {2000}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00002915}, }