@article{PAR00002869, title = {{M}odeling the coupling between free and forced convection in a vertical permeable slot : implications for the heat production of an {E}nhanced {G}eothermal {S}ystem}, author = {{B}attaill{\'e}, {A}. and {G}enthon, {P}ierre and {R}abinowicz, {M}. and {F}ritz, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he aim of the hydraulic stimulations in the {S}oultz-sous-{F}or{\^e}ts, {F}rance, {E}nhanced {G}eothermal {S}ystem ({EGS}) project was to create, in crystalline rocks, a fractured reservoir 750 m high, 750 m long and 35 m thick interconnecting the injection and production wells. {I}ncreasing the permeability in a zone with a high geothermal gradient will trigger free convection, which will interact with the forced flow driven by pumping. {A} systematic numerical study of the coupling between forced and free convective flows has been performed by considering a large range of injection rates and {R}ayleigh numbers. {T}he simulations showed that if there is weak or no free convection in an {EGS} reservoir, economic exploitation of the system will rapidly end because of a decrease in produced fluid temperature. {T}he maximum injection rate preventing such a temperature drop increases with the {R}ayleigh number and the height of the stimulated domain. {T}he model establishes constraints on the conditions for achieving optimal heat extraction at the {S}oultz-sous-{F}or{\^e}ts {EGS} site. {I}t was also shown that, although mineral precipitation may partially close or heal some open fissures, it does not lead to a major decrease of the hydraulic conductivity in the stimulated reservoir.}, keywords = {{G}eothermal energy ; {E}nhanced {G}eothermal {S}ystem ; {EGS} ; {H}ot {D}ry {R}ock ; {HDR} ; {F}ree convection ; {F}orced flow ; {H}eat transfer ; {S}oultz-sous-{F}or{\^e}ts ; {F}rance ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eothermics}, volume = {35}, numero = {5-6}, pages = {654--682}, year = {2006}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geothermics.2006.11.008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00002869}, }